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i tried getting leader Starscream but my toysrus had everything else but that 0707101902.jpg


Sadly, this will probably be the only time I see an Animated Arcee in the "wild". :rofl

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i tried getting leader Starscream but my toysrus had everything else but that 0707101902.jpg


Sadly, this will probably be the only time I see an Animated Arcee in the "wild". :rofl



I found one by pure chance in Texas about a month or so back. Then about 2 weeks ago, the a TRU in OKC has had about 6-8 in stock every time I have been in for the past week or so. Kinda irked me but what can you do?

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Yes, bought at retail in Canada on clearance. Shelfwarmers here.




I saw TransFan2 had a Takara Animated SoundBlaster and went over to BBTS and bought myself one. Now I can open my Hasbro one! :yay

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My ROTF legends devastator arrived in the post yesterday. He's better than a lot of people say he is. I duno why,but I just love legends figures :yay

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Animated Supreme Optimus Prime.


I payed $4.50 for it shipped and still feel ripped off.


Keeping the axe and giving the rest to the kid downstairs so he can do whatever to it


Feel real bad for the people who payed full price

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Animated Supreme Optimus Prime.


I payed $4.50 for it shipped and still feel ripped off.


Keeping the axe and giving the rest to the kid downstairs so he can do whatever to it


Feel real bad for the people who payed full price


I am curious Liege, what is it you don't like about him? I don't have any Animated figures, but I am curious as why your disdain towards Supreme Prime.

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Where to begin?


How about the possitives.


The lights sounds and anamatronic mouth plate are very well done.


The hatchet is oversized, but cool.


As a shelf piece, it doesn't look to bad.


The negatives.


the only real transforming parts are in the legs. Its a matter of a couple quick flips and telescoping legs.


the automated spin transformation does not work well at all leaving the figure half transformed.


the design itself suffers from the gimmick as the truck only has rear wheels.


While the legs offer standard articulation the arms bring nothing to the table.


Each arm has only a lever activated(if you can call it that) spring action neither of which serve much of a purpose.


While the figure may be a nice back of the shelf tall display piece, it offers nothing in function or style just unessicary gimmicks.


Again, I got mine in an auction that no one bid on. If I payed the $50 asking price for this, I'd be pissed.


If you want a Animated Prime, I'd recommend the Voyager. It's a decent figure. The Battle Damaged and Cybertron deluxes were OK too I actualy really enjoy the Battle Damaged version.


This "supreme" though is just a giant piece of fail.



The Animated figures I'd recomend are


Voyager or the Deluxe Primes


Samurai Prowl*



Ultra Magnus

Sentinel Prime



Cybertron Ratchet




Leader Megatron*


Oil Slick

Black Arachnia





The ones with a * are the only ones I'd pay full price for, the rest try to find cheap.

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