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Your newest figures and your verdict


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All this talk about Dreadwing has me remembering a major problem with him. The feet. Mine has 2 right feet and has a hard time standing because of it, from what I have been hearing, it's a common problem. Some people it's 2 lefts or vice versa. An easy way to tell is if the foot doesn't sit flush with the surface he is standing on. The feet have been molded at a slant for the wide legged stance. So owners beware: Check 'yo feets!

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If ANYONE can get me a MP Optimus I hqve shitloads for trade

I'm still waiting. I'm going to call TRU Thursday morning. If they get any in, I'll try and pick up an extra one. I know for a fact my TRU has either had MP Optimus or will be getting him soon as there is a price marker for him on the shelf. Saw it when I picked up MP Thundercracker there.

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TF Prime cyberverse Evac: seeing as I'll never get the universal studios deluxe, this'll have to do. The only thing I don't really like about this legends figure is the fact his chest doesn't lock down in bot mode, otherise very cool looking, and I think I'll be using this figure as the autobot's version of vehicons


RID Vehicon: Just pure awesome, and plentiful here in spain. Get him if you can

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