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Your newest figures and your verdict


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Okay, FoC Shockwave is pretty decent. Robot mode is pretty basic. You can clip the laser cannon to his hand, but where's his trademark cable? Alt mode is weird, but works. The best way for me to describe it is it looks like a ship from the Wipe Out playstation game series.


I give him a 7 out of 10.


Pros: There is finally a Shockwave that can go with the CHUGs. He has his trademark head with "wings" and cyclops eye.


Cons: Kind of small. Needs his trademark cable.


Let it be known, most of my negatives are just gripes that can be overlooked. If you can only afford one figure from this first wave of FoC, then skip Jazz and Prime and try and get Shockwave. Definitely a decent figure.

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Still wanna get him. Funds won't let me though at the moment... :emo



:word :emo

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Late but most of you already know anyway:


Just completed Hercules over the weekend. He is a ultra sweet chunk. Huge, menacing and imposing. I like the fact that he does tower over everyone on my shelf the way Dev's should. I do have to say I'm not entirely pleased with the connectivity ports, it makes him a bit loose, but on the overall they work well enough even though he does seem a bit loose in the knee's, but that could just be mine specifically. I'm also going to have to do some work to tighten up his pelvic region and hips(even with the replacement installed). The shoulders and forearms are a bit cramped with the current configuration but the add-on coming out will improve upon that. I would have liked the thumbs to have just a bit more mobility in the major joint, but considering how much movement the entire hand has, I can give it a pass. I am also attempting to make the boom on Dr. Crank usable but the general thread I have used/using is a bit to thin so I am perusing craft stores for a thicker gauge of thread/cord.


All in all, a well built chunk, albeit it should be for it's price. Get it if you dare and if your wallet can take the abuse.

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