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FE Voyager Optimus. Similar to the Entertainment Pack Optimus in many ways, including in the way the shoulders are attached. Somehow though, it's less noticeable here than on the Deluxe. While not as nicely painted as it either, I think the Voyager comes off cleaner. THIS is the Optimus to get from the Prime series. The sword is probably best left off to the side, however.

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I just picked up the Cyberverse Breakdown figure. He's a nice little figure, though I do wish he were Commander class instead of Legends class.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Received my TFCC Over-Run (Runabout) and Runamuck today. First off, of course we know they are built on the Generations Wheeljack mold. That mold is actually decent and since only Wheeljack and Turbo Tracks use it, it wasn't a bad move for Hasbro to utilize it. If you're familiar with the Wheeljack mold, that's all you need to know. The head sculpts are different of course, but where these two guys shine is in their paint jobs. They really did a good job making them look reminiscent of their pathetic G1 toys, but so much better. Were they worth the money I spent on eBay for them? For me, yes, because I love these two characters. For the everyday collector, you don't need these guys. Sorry for no pictures.

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Sorry I can never figure out how to post picts here and will probably open a photobucket today sometime but this guy is just sooo stupidly cool!! I think for me, the troop building begins! :)))


:awsum :awsum :awsum :win

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I just grabbed Cyberverse Legends class Evac. It's a great little figure, and very well detailed. I wish I could get a couple of the Deluxe versions.

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Deluxe Vehicon













What stores are you guys finding him at? Target? Walmart? TRU?

I'm going Vehicon hunting today...

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Deluxe Vehicon













What stores are you guys finding him at? Target? Walmart? TRU?

I'm going Vehicon hunting today...


Oddly enough I found my two Vehicons at Wallyweird. But I also went in at 7am when I was fairly sure no one else had been through there yet.



I should also mention I found them a week apart also, not at the same time.

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What stores are you guys finding him at? Target? Walmart? TRU?

I'm going Vehicon hunting today...

I saw one at a Target the other day...

I went to Target, no luck. I'm going to check Walmart tomorrow.

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I Picked up the full size Kre-o Optimus Prime w/trailer at my local WW for half price. This is the first one I have bought from that line(after swearing I wouldn't) and I have to say I'm impressed. It made me miss the "brick" sets of Star Wars ships I use to own. Now the hard part, do I tear down the alt mode and build the bot mode? Decisions....

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