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I've had the TRU re-issue Soundwave, MIB, for weeks now, but today being my birthday, I finally got to open him!!!


I HEART G1 SOUNDWAVE! Magic shrinky or not, he's :awsum !


Henkei Prime/Starscream, Animated Blitzwing and SWTF Republic Gunship





In from BBTS ..


BW Terrorsaur - kinda loosey goosey. Ball joints seem to be loose in the legs so he tends to slouch. :tard .. he came loose, gun was supposed to be included. It wasn't. Not that I particularly care either way.


BW Airrazor - Pretty awesome for being one of -if not the first- release Beast Wars characters. Pretty blocky.. can kinda tell the early BW guys where hasbro's last ditch effort to make a profit after G2. In much better shape than Terrorsaur.. came with everything, MIB - Japanese Release- and the joints are all tight.


Finally got my WST Swoop and Sludge (2 of each) this weekend, and I'm expecting my MP Starscream Coronation set tonight...probably waiting at home for me as we speak.



My TF Haul For Mon. 5/05/08


Transformers - Generation 2:

x1 G2 Stunticon - S1 Motormaster (Unreleased) [Ebay Seller: marrine_vs_hydralisk]






My TF Haul For Mon. 5/05/08


Transformers - Generation 2:

x1 G2 Stunticon - S1 Motormaster (Unreleased) [Ebay Seller: marrine_vs_hydralisk]




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