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Guest Bumblemus Prime

Look at what I just bought off Ebay


Woot! Ran to TRU (Downers Grove, IL, on 75th St.) on a whim at lunch, and found several movie Jetstorm and Wingblade figs! Got one of each, bec. my wife is 4mos. pregnola and my daughter's recovering from an injury, so dammit I deserve it. Put it on a credit card instead of paying cash, so everybody wins!

Woot! Ran to TRU (Downers Grove, IL, on 75th St.) on a whim at lunch, and found several movie Jetstorm and Wingblade figs! Got one of each, bec. my wife is 4mos. pregnola and my daughter's recovering from an injury, so dammit I deserve it. Put it on a credit card instead of paying cash, so everybody wins!

and YOU deserve it? lmao i like your logic! :tflaugh

Woot! Ran to TRU (Downers Grove, IL, on 75th St.) on a whim at lunch, and found several movie Jetstorm and Wingblade figs! Got one of each, bec. my wife is 4mos. pregnola and my daughter's recovering from an injury, so dammit I deserve it. Put it on a credit card instead of paying cash, so everybody wins!

and YOU deserve it? lmao i like your logic! :tflaugh




Yeah..I'm not sure how that one works either..

Woot! Ran to TRU (Downers Grove, IL, on 75th St.) on a whim at lunch, and found several movie Jetstorm and Wingblade figs! Got one of each, bec. my wife is 4mos. pregnola and my daughter's recovering from an injury, so dammit I deserve it. Put it on a credit card instead of paying cash, so everybody wins!

and YOU deserve it? lmao i like your logic! :tflaugh




Yeah..I'm not sure how that one works either..


we all need to spoil ourselves sometimes.

Woot! Ran to TRU (Downers Grove, IL, on 75th St.) on a whim at lunch, and found several movie Jetstorm and Wingblade figs! Got one of each, bec. my wife is 4mos. pregnola and my daughter's recovering from an injury, so dammit I deserve it. Put it on a credit card instead of paying cash, so everybody wins!

and YOU deserve it? lmao i like your logic! :tflaugh




Yeah..I'm not sure how that one works either..


because. you may have to carry that baby, but for 9 months you have us by the balls and we have to obey you're every little whim which includes getting up at 3 am to run to the 711 and pick up satan knows what god-awful concoction your body is craving. we have to watch everything you do because you women are too derned emotional to think rationally about anything you do and the moment we stop you, you're all over asses. pregnant women are batches :tflaugh


to think, the only pregnant women i've been around have been either friends or siblings. satan help me when my wife's gf gets preggers. at least i got to laugh at my friends/brothers/in-laws while they where getting chewed out.


i totally forgot this was the hauls thread :tflaugh


i uh.... got some pig skins today XD

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