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Angry Hasbro Rant


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Before I start I gotta say that over the years I have not been one of those to jump all over Hasbro for every little thing gone wrong in collecting world. While people have bashed them from everything from designs to distribution, I've always given them the benefit of the doubt.


However...that patience has faltered.


Mostly, it's the promise of figures to be released that we never end up seeing. First it was some Animated figures which was a major bummer. Next, HA Mudflap. Now a plethora of figures we may or may not see from the RTS line. I know the retail chains cancelled orders or stopped placing them before the figures were set to ship, but how didn't they know cramming so much into a small window before the new movie line wouldn't be a good idea? On top of that, very little in the way of any new figures going back for months when there seemed to be more than ample opportunity to release them.


Hasbro really goes and outdoes themselves with these awesome new figures that we have to wonder now if most of us will ever get to see...all because we had to get cases stuffed with Mindsets, Jolts, and BB's? It's like buying a bag of jelly beans that you only like the red ones and getting a million of every other color but the red ones. What are they saving them for? Why so many green and yellow jelly beans and hardly any red?


Well, why so many repaints and doubles and triples of older, less wanted figures, and so few newer more sought after? Why do the best molds seem to never match up to numbers produced of the crappy ones? The world may never know!



It kills me to see that Transformers sales were down last year when in all reality they didn't seem to really be trying to get their product out there. And it's not just Transformers. Anyone who collects Iron Man or Marvel Universe figures I'm sure can all relate to the hell it's been trying to find some of the new product that was supposed to be out in stores by now...but has had nothing but emptiness for the loooongest time. I'm not getting the strategy here.


Sure, retailers haven't been the greatest partner in keeping things going, but this time Hasbro has to take the hit they deserve! Note to Hasbro lurkers...WE CAN'T BUY THE PRODUCT IF IT'S NEVER IN STORES TO BUY!


Thank you and goodnight!





P.S. For the record, I'm more disappointed than angry.

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I said it before and I'll say it again. I really think Hasbro just likes pissing off fanboys :shrug


I said it before and I'll say it again. I really think Hasbro just likes pissing off fanboys :shrug


:agree on both


Especially when I can't find figures down here, but I go 1,000 miles to take care of some business and I find the figures I am looking for ON CLEARANCE!!


The fault here is 80 % Hasbro with their stupid and dumb strategy of keeping things silent and keeping the ones people want most to the end and shipping out the crappy ones.


The other 20 % is the retailers for not forcing Hasbro to stop sending the overstocked crap out. So they just cancel the orders and wait for the next big thing.


Ever since I moved to Florida, it seems my "hunts" haven't been as plentiful compared to when I lived in New York.....I searched for months to find RTS Jazz and was shocked to finally see him in a Walgreens a few weeks ago....Normally, my old Target in New York State always had new figures in stock..here, it's hit or miss, but mostly miss.....





P.S. For the record, I'm more disappointed than angry.

Can I get an amen!?!


Again, I'll say I didn't so much start this threat in anger than disappointment...even though there is 'angry' in the title.


I think people should express it it a more even-headed way and we need more of it. I do believe Hasbro has lurkers keeping an eye to the boards and it's my hope that they do take notice, and if more people post the better the chances that the voices will be heard.


I'm not buying into the whole...just buy them online and save the time and trouble policy. However that costs extra money too that I don't have. I don't need to be in stores specifically for Transformers to find them...I think we shop for other things as well so we don't only go to stores for our TF's. It would be nice to find more new stuff on routine visits so we wouldn't have to look so much.


I know it's not always easy, but again, I say look to some of the selections that get 2 or 3 repaints and seem to endlessly curse case assortments long after the better figures in the lot have disappeared. Like Hasbro can somehow only profit if they sell double the amount of the weakest figures they produce...I don't get it.


Common sense tip #1...If there are say, 20 Mudflaps and Skids figures clogging pegs, don't repaint them...EVER! In fact, keep them out of any future case assortments at that point and don't bother with it again unless there is a demand for it. At least wait until a later time to pack one or two into cases toward the end when the line is winding down. At that point, there may be people who have decided they wanted those figures and may be more open to buy who will be grateful for the 2nd chance.


In other words, don't tell us we couldn't get Wreck-Gar, Perceptor, Tracks, Jazz or whoever because they just HAD to get a billion of those wonderful Skids repaints out there first. New molds should always take priority over repaints. Especially when the repainted figures weren't all that popular to begin with.



Now I know, this would add a bit of difficulty to Hasbro's plate, but I think we've paid enough to ask them to do better.


Hasbro really goes and outdoes themselves with these awesome new figures that we have to wonder now if most of us will ever get to see...all because we had to get cases stuffed with Mindsets, Jolts, and BB's?

For all the Bumblebees that get produced, I don't think I ever see them warming shelves very long. I'd actually like to find another Battle Blades BB to get some mods done on, but I haven't seen any of them in stores for a long time...



Well that's part of the bigger issues. Some people get way too many, some get way too few.


With a figure like BB, I think more people would simply have preferred to see a little more priority placed on getting some other new figs out rather than rehashing BB yet again. Even if it was a new BB mold, and a good one no doubt. I get it too that BB is a big character and big for sales, but just because a cow can produce insane amounts of milk doesn't mean the farmer has to milk her all at once until she dies now does it?


The part that gets me more than anything is the figures they have been showing off to us and teasing us with and then suddenly pulling the "oh well, sorry, we're looking for some way to get these figures out." line, if we even get that much. With so many gaps with no new product, and stores that could have used it...I have to wonder if wasn't a matter of just being horribly disorganized.


Totally blowing off HA Mudflap, now the g1 Legends and probably the last RTS voyager wave which pretty much nobody at all ever saw...that gets hard to swallow. Little sign that the new PCC figs will ever come out either. As usual, just as they appear to really be getting good.


Then to see a new Skids figure being made for DOTM, of course a BB repaint and STILL no word we'll ever see that HA Mudflap.


Perhaps if wouldn't be as bad if the figures getting the shaft didn't look to be some of the best of the lines.


When I first clicked on this topic I was thinking to myself, "Okay, which jackass is wasting everyone's time with his whining now?" but after reading it I couldn't agree more.

I truly hope Hasbro is paying attention. Obviously what they're doing isn't working. If it was their profits wouldn't be down. Everyone needs to be posting in this thread.


Totally blowing off HA Mudflap, now the g1 Legends and probably the last RTS voyager wave which pretty much nobody at all ever saw...that gets hard to swallow. Little sign that the new PCC figs will ever come out either. As usual, just as they appear to really be getting good.


Then to see a new Skids figure being made for DOTM, of course a BB repaint and STILL no word we'll ever see that HA Mudflap.



Dude I do have to tell you HA Mudflap did come out, he even showed up at TJ Maxx as well as Marshalls.



Just clearing this one up


Where you live also plays into this. Where I am there can be a 1-3 month delay in new product hitting the shelves compared to places like California which usually gets things first. So what happens if the chain (TRU, Walmart, etc) decides to pull the product before it is distributed everywhere? Well what happens if some toys don't even show up around here. Exclusives usually show up on time tho.


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