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Lunatic Prime

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Lunatic Prime last won the day on October 12 2023

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  1. The Amazon link doesn't work. Why do you post a link for search and not a listing? If it's out of stock (for now) it doesn't show up in the search anymore. And there are not that many duplicate listings on Amazon except of when it comes to KOs. So links to listings are always better. I am capable of doing searches myself.
  2. Why does the listing for SS Leader TF4 OP say "PR - package refresh"?
  3. Wait! Road Pig's wheels are red in the promotional images (infinite white background) and look way better on him than the black ones. Damn, why did they change that? And he's missing the Star Seeker insignia in his headlight.
  4. What happens if you put TLK Hot Rod, Ravage, Battlecat and Snake Eyes into a blender?
  5. If they'd at least changed the accessories to a shield and a sword or pistol. But it's still NOT a retool of Legacy (Prime Universe) Arcee. It's Legyca Evolution (Animated Universe) Prowl.
  6. Could be a photoshop of the full body test shot in the (maybe) right colors.
  7. What's that other figure? Reminds me a bit of Thunderhowl. And the link to Yellow Fury Bee doesn't work.
  8. Two Thundertrons, huh? I've read some sections of some of the previous posts. Yea, maybe, Idk. Thundertron would make sense for the Star Seekers as he would have been their leader in TF Prime's original plan for season 03. But I could very easily see this being a mix-up or copy-paste error and actually being ThunderWING. Especially as these Star Seekers mostly consist of Decepticons and one of them is Ferak from the Wings Universe Star Seekers (https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Star_Seekers#Wings_Universe). And Thunderwing could be a pretool for Energon Megatron and Galvatron. And Vector Prime could be the Legacy Jhiaxus mold reuse I've been wondering about. But what's that Deluxe G1 Optimus Prime? We still need a War Within style OP resembling his IDW form as a law enforcer. The chest of the LE version (the SIEGE Hound retool) looks like that but the rest of him. But that one should be a Voyager class. And the labeling G1 doesn't really fit.
  9. Above Orion Pax you can see Nova Prime and his legs look a lot like SIEGE Ultra Magnus‘es / Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime’s. So my money is on a retool of that mold.
  10. He has minimal paint details. Almost none. In pictures 2, 3, 4 and 6 he’s custom painted.
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