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Leaked Transformers Listings for 2025 News & Discussion Topic

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We ain't done vetting 2024 and here comes the leaked listings for 2025! There are some notable inclusions are the TF ONE itmes, WFC Game, 1986 Devastator, TF7 Apelinq, and some package refreshes, which are joined by the on-going releases for 1986 and Movie sub-lines. . - Read the Full News Story



Always more, the 2025 Legacy United Wave 5 leaked listings are bringing up the rear with a bunch of new G1, G2, Armada, and Package Refreshes (PR). Fans will be glad to know they got another shot at Cosmos! Also of note are the new G1 Sureshot and Overcharge, as well as G2 Breakdown additions. Check out the full dump thanks to JTPrime17. - Read the Full News Story



Phew, 2025 just keeps growing and combining with the latest batch of retail listings giving up lots more G1 goodness with the Aerialbots teaming up for the inevitable Superior combiner. There is also news of the 13 based on listings for Alpha Trion, Alchemist Prime, Micronus, The Fallen, Prima, Onyx Prime, and Solus Prime to name more than a few. - Read the Full News Story


  • 1 month later...

It looks like 2025 will be filling out the Transformers Legacy trilogy with the United Wave 5 and then moving in Primes Wave 1 - 3 figures surfacing on the SNS. The sublines for Animated, Armada, G1/2 and Generations galore. Some of these have been called already, with some interesting characters on the list such as Solus Prime, Prima, and the first of the Arielbots landing. - Read the Full News Story



2025 is a world transformed with all the movie and game Studio Series figures for Waves 1 - 4 just leaked on the SNS. Hasbro is going full speed ahead on their sub-lines for 1986 with Devastator invading in statring Wave 3 this July, as well as new WFC Gamer, and loads from the every expanding movie franchise including the latest Rise Of The Beasts. - Read the Full News Story



Well if they're anything like the Cyber Combiners then they'll be pretty decent and fun. I just hope they're two complete Transformers and not one Transformer and one drone with an obvious alt mode that can't change into that alt mode. 

Oh Primus no. I just had an awful thought. What if they're like those Hero Mashers instead? Those were swappable. I also hope they're not those Crash Combiners but I think we moved past that with the Cyber Combiners.

However I can't help but notice the pairings and the fact that they're very similar to each other if not outright the same.

Optimus and Magnus could both be the cab bot. So the same figure twice. 

Megatron and Shockwave could both be tanks because let's face it, they won't be guns thankfully. I've been over objectformers since Classics Megatron and the G1 Megatron I found for cheap around that time.

Bumblebee and Hot Rod. Both cars at the very least. If modern BB then both sports cars.

Cheetor and Tigatron. Both big cats. One is supposed to be bigger than the other but it wouldn't be the first time they use the same mold.

Starscream and Thundercracker. Do I need to explain this one?

Nemesis Prime and Clench. So this could maybe be another use of Prime and Magnus. So four of the same. However I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think Optimus and Nemesis will be the same mold and Magnus and Clench will be the same mold. How cool would it be if it's G2 Magnus and Clench. Both long nose trucks with the front end as shoulders. Except Clench has his pointed forward. But yeah, this is a redeco of Prime and Magnus regardless.

Shadow Panther and Ravage. Now this had me thinking that instead of Cheetor and Tigatron being the same mold that it's going to be Cheetor and Shadow Panther being the same mold and Tigatron and Ravage being the same mold. Maybe Transmetal style Ravage and Tigatron? That way they're not just larger versions of Cheetor and Shadow Panther.

But then there's Grimlock and Snarl. There's no way they're the same mold lol. 

As well as a five pack. That throws everything off. If they pair up then why have an odd number in the multipack? This lead me to thinking that they're Hero Masher type things.

I really do hope for more Cyber Combiners though. They're really fun. I just got in the second year's warrior class Bumblebee today. The connectors are compatible with the Cyber Combiners. However Bumblebee does not look good on top of Bumblebee. Since the warrior doesn't have longer arms, he looks weird on top. But since the Cyber Combiner Bumblebee has too long of arms, he looks too weird on top of vehicle mode warrior Bumblebee as that's the only way to use him as "pants". 

As a figure to itself though, warrior Bumblebee is really good. Like almost as good as the deluxe. Ball jointed feet, technically ball jointed shins that can angle outward as part of the transformation (can be useful for posing which is why I bring it up), knee joints, thigh swivels, ball jointed hips. a faux waist joint and ab crunch by utilizing the central joint needed for "combined mode", ball jointed head but mainly just swivel, ball jointed shoulders (can act as a faux butterfly joint), arm hinges for more shoulder movement at where the bicep connects to the front fenders and ball jointed elbows. This guy is packed with articulation. The transformation is surprisingly half unique but does have cues from the deluxe Earthspark, Cyberverse and T30 IDW Bumblebee designs. Alt mode looks good too. Just has an open spot between the legs in the rear and has the connector on top. Otherwise rather sleek. 

Warrior Twitch still hasn't shipped yet though. I ordered them the same day from Amazon and they immediately went out of stock shortly after. They also haven't' updated until BB did the other day. Was starting to think I wasn't going to be getting either of them but I got BB. 

Also got Takara's warrior Trash yesterday. They call him deluxe for some reason but it's the warrior class one. It's done up like Hasbro's deluxe Trash color wise though. Actually, the shades used are slightly nicer to the eyes yet also worse in a way. It's difficult to explain. Those colors Takara chose on the plastic type that figure is made of just makes for a weird combo to look at. Almost looks like a brittle plastic as a result. The kind used under the vac chrome on a Beast Wars era figure. I'm sure most of us have had a Beast era figure that lose the chrome. Like a milky white that's opaque but light shines though it making it look somewhat translucent. The teal is darker than the deluxe but not as dark as the Hasbro warrior class. I can't wait to see what Takara does with the actual deluxe Trash. I hope he has yet another color scheme. Two molds with each company making each figure different shades. That would be interesting. Four distinct decos for the same character. 

  • 3 months later...

It is that time of year again when Sand Diego Comic Con rolls out the biggest previews of the year. Things have changed since the pandemic where we got a lot of small previews in the fan-streams, so we already have a pretty good idea of what's in the pipeline due to numerous leaks and retail listings. - Read the Full News Story



That is a nice roundup.  I am looking forward to the primes.  I do not think that I will get back into combiners since I still have Prime Wars versions of what has been rumored.


SDCC 2024 Transformers Preview Night is here and we're covering the show live from San Diego. The new products for Transformers United, Studio Series, Comic Book Editions and more are out the booth. Check the images of the following products on display. - Read the Full News Story



Wait, so Ruckus' gun from Beachcomber DOESN'T become the front part of the vehicle? I'm hoping that's just someone didn't know it's meant to go there for vehicle mode. He looks good though. So much better than Crankcase and especially Windsweeper. Ruckus is how retools should be done. 

So core Dinobot and deluxe Sureshot are still happening!

I'm hoping that this those are abbreviated listings though as Sureshot doesn't mention Spoilsport and Armada Wheeljack doesn't mention Whisper. By now that Siege Sideswipe mold should come with two Minicons for the standard retail price. Retool or not.

Wasn't expecting Overcharge. At least not in a single pack for full price. I was thinking they should've done a troopbuilder with him at a discounted price right off the bat. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait for the sale to get more. Even if Hasbro really isn't producing as many figures anymore, I KNOW this one will be going on clearance somewhere. I might at least buy the first one at full price though. Or wait for Entertainment Earth with a coupon or with their damaged box sales.

Still really wish Galaxy Shuttle came with the Astrotrain head and a decal sheet to go from Astrotrain to Galaxy Shuttle. There's plenty of black and white Astrotrain releases to have a reason to have made that a dual identity figure. Glad I have another chance at getting more though. I wanted two more but never had a shot at them.

I hope G2 Dead End gets a reissue too. Fucking Walmart. Still need him and G2 Sideswipe. So once I get that G2 Breakdown, I'll have two of the G2 Stunticons as I managed to find Shadowstrip at Ross along with three Crashers. Luckily I got three as the one I opened up had horribly mismatched tampos for the number on the car front/robot legs. I didn't know to check for it. But the other two were fine. I wonder how they'll be releasing G2 Motormaster. 

I'll grab another Cosmos for the gun. My mom and sister found one for me and never found one at Ross. Not that I looked hard though as I only went to one lol. They pissed me off with the credit card. I was approved but I couldn't use it that day and had to wait for the card to come in. They were supposed to send me an email I could've used in the meantime but it didn't come in for 6 days and the card was coming in the next day anyway. And if you're wondering; no, the employees can't sign you up at the register and use the card numbers you were approved for like a normal store as they force you to do a QR code bullshit thing. I'm too old for that shit. I had no idea what I was doing as I've never done a QR code before.

Hatchet is finally coming out. I wonder if they tried to mitigate the backpack in some way in all this time. Doubtful though it may be.

Double Punch from RotB Scorponok. Okay. 

WFC/FoC Skywarp. Okay. I hope it's the Hasbro colors and not the Takara colors. I want my Skywarps to actually look like Skywarp and not like Hotlink or a nameless generic.

Apelinq will be interesting to see how they retool Primal.

I hope SS86 Galvatron isn't just a straight redeco of Kingdom Galvatron. They need to do a few things to make that work better. Maybe make the thighs longer to start with. Without seeing pictures of them together, I'm thinking that SS86 Optimus is going to be a tad taller than even Kingdom Galvatron wo was too tall to begin with. So they'll need to make SS86 Galvatron at least match the height of SS86 Optimus if not making him bigger like I think they want to do. So a straight redeco won't do. So the longer thighs with the bigger back plate to cover the longer thighs and then maybe do some work on the arms to make them "better".

Spinister vs Twin Twist. So I was right about Spinister being reissued. THIS is where they should've put Windsweeper's Targetmasters he wasn't supposed to have like I said months ago when we were speculating about what will be in that capsule line. They then could've put Spinister's guns in with Windsweeper. And okay, they're still insisting that there's a new Twin Twist coming and not the Topspin to match the Wrecker Diaclone Twin Twist. I mean, there is in fact more decos to use for Twin Twist but It would be nice to get that Diaclone Topspin first.

Ironfist vs Carnivac. So another Siege Hound usage for Ironfist I take it. And Carnivac was supposed to be TR Weirdwolf if I remember correctly. Or am I making up reading that in a leak somewhere. I mean, there's no shortage of molds that could be used with so many Cheetor molds running around lately. Tigatron, Ravage, Thundertron, Thunderhowl (they'd never use a non-Generations deluxe though so RotB Cheetor is out too). There's options is my point.

Wasp from Bumblebee.

Slingshot and Airaid as retools of each other or of the Fireflight and Skydive from later waves.

Solus Prime is interesting still but also still not much else to say.

Same with Prima.

Voyager Armada Red Alert will be weird considering we have a deluxe Cybertron Red Alert tooling in Cannonball. But it's not like that mold hasn't had several redecos so there's plenty of options for it. Red Red Alert (Inferno), Blue Alert (Prowl), Orange Alert (Powerlinx). And that's if they don't retool it into Energon Ironhide which I just thought of as an option for a voyager SUV mold. Shame they didn't wait to do Prime Breakdown until AFTER this mold came out. So that way Prime Bulkhead and Breakdown could be different molds.

As soon as I seen the leader class leaks for both SS86 Megatron and The Fallen I had the thought that they'd be mold mates. I still see that happening. I mean, it makes so much sense.

But let's go back a bit. A Galaxy Force/Cybertron capsule line. If we don't get a Dark Nitro Convoy finally I will riot...quietly and to myself with some slightly annoyed comments somewhere. Override GTS too.

But who else though?

That Cybertron Red Alert redeco from Cannonball?

Cybertron Galaxy Force colors for Vector Prime and maybe also for Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime?

Red Exillion or Excellion from Hot Shot? I want both actually as they are different colors. I had both at one time. Picked up Red Exillion from a great seller on Facebook along with a Chromia Medic (Minerva). Kept the Minerva and ended up selling the Red Exillion for a little more than I originally paid for both him and Minerva. I felt bad but I needed the money.

"Thrust" colors Starscream?

I mean, there's not many Cybertron molds yet that we know of. Not much retool potential either.

Maybe there's a new Seaspray happening next year that we don't know about to get Shortround from?

Hardtop from Beachcomber?

Scrapmetal from Cyberverse deluxe Shockwave? No, I already said they wouldn't use non-Generations deluxes.

Armorhide from Huffer?

Clocker from SS86 Hotrod?

Lugnutz and/or Ransack from one of the many deluxe motorcycle molds? There's plenty to choose from for either.

Breakdown from SS BB Arcee?

Scattorshot from Siege Hound? Wait, wouldn't that just be Generations Selects Cybertron Defense Hot Shot but a better use?

Okay maybe there's more options than I thought and I haven't gone past the scout classes yet lol.

Thundercracker from Needlenose?

Sideways from yet another of those many motorcycle molds?

Blurr from Pointblank? You know, like Velocitron Blur should've been made from instead of IDW Blurr from SS86 Blurr.

Buzzsaw from Spinister?

Crosswise from Kingdom Prowl?

Demolishor from Impactor?

Cybertron Defense Scattorshot from Impactor?

And I think that's about it without really stretching for mold reuses. I didn't include all the redeco potentials either. It would've almost tripled the list at least.

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