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McFarlane Toys Transformers Page Punchers Figures Revealed


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Just in from Toy Fair 2023, McFarlane Toys showed off their new 3 inch Page Punchers for Hasbro's G.I. Joe and Transformers brands. McFarlane has already been doing Page Punchers for DC and Spawn where you get a figure 2-pack with a comic book.They showed for Transformers they showed Optimus Prime and Wheeljack along with Megatron and Bumblebee. - Read the Full News Story


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The smaller Page Punchers? No thanks. I'm not up for spending that much on trash with limited articulation. If I wanted that kind of stuff I would've kept all my Toy Biz figures or Action Masters. I just don't see the point of those small figures with barely any articulation anymore. Especially when Bandai of Japan is showing all of them up with their Evolve/Ultimate Legends figures on shelves that have better articulation than 90% of modern 6/7 inch figures for half the price. They're even lower priced than most companies smaller limited articulation figures.

But for real though, go to Target's "collectible" section over by the DVDs and video games and compare them. Bandai has their Naruto, Demon Slayer and Dragon Ball Evolve/Ultimate Legends figures on shelves next to similarly sized offerings from McFarlane for MHA and Demon Slayer and the Bandai figures blow them away. The Dragon Ball figures are at like $10 each, the Naruto figures are $12 I think and the Demon Slayer figures are I think $15. These figure are even better than Bandai of America's Dragon Stars and Anime Heroes figures by far. They might even be better overall than the Gundam Universe line which is an amazing line as well.

But yeah, I'm not going to want a 3 inch figure of a Transformers character than can't do anything. Not when there are companies with 5 inch figures for the same price or less that have all the articulation you can ask for.

If this was the larger 7 inch Page Punchers that are just modern standard McFarlane offerings then yes. Those figures are great. Their MHA and Demon Slayers figures are spectacular and their DC and other figures are awesome too. I just don't understand why collectors or anyone else are settling for such crap figures lately. Just because that's what they were like when we were kids doesn't mean that I should settle for them being like that now. Nostalgia isn't that potent of a drug. I got better things to waste my money on.

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