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Teletraan-I / Ark / Nemesis Display Panels!

Mandingo Rex

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My stop motion animation of Starscream's Coronation at


Nice video but what does that have to do with MR's customizable backgrounds? It is a good video though.


Haha, I wondered the same thing myself. I think he was showing his Nemesis, which is pretty cool.

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You know what you did wrong, you did this for free. Its worth LOTS and its now not. On top of that buddy, you worked too hard for too little. Everyone expects you to work for free now, and i just read the whole thread and alot of ppl took it and ran. I wont say any names. But im sure you see.


Next big thing like this should be different. YOu shouldnt get screwed so much. First you toys, then your freedom imo :P But its really nice of you to do this for us. I saved some print outs in August from this on regular paper. But if i lost this thread im sure i could figure out how to re-make them on screen larger x 200 % to build up large.


Anyways, nice and all, think about what im saying. Its your time is all. :) Nice work though :thumb

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Guest Buck Bailey

I absolutely agree with 'khan and the others that you could/should be making money off this, but I do want to add that free stuff is a great way to promote a secondary product or service. You should definitely add a "donate" button. You might also look into selling finished versions on hard paper or plastic, or even just preprinted, cut-fold-and-tab to assemble dis/playsets. Continue to offer the images for free (with some kind of open license maybe) as a hook. Probably not practical in an immediate sense but it might be worth thinking about, even if just to set up proper licensing on the files so you'll have a leg to stand on if some jerk starts a cottage business with your work.

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Hey Mandingo, I can't wait to get one of these awesome Ark sets from you. The one I originally made for Alternators Ironhide wasn't good enough for me so it's still being retooled but I should have him ready soon. Looks like we'll be able to meet up and do that trade real soon.

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Hey Mandingo, I can't wait to get one of these awesome Ark sets from you. The one I originally made for Alternators Ironhide wasn't good enough for me so it's still being retooled but I should have him ready soon. Looks like we'll be able to meet up and do that trade real soon.


I would donate few bucks. I've boughten miniature paper spaceships from http://worldworksgames.com. I've downloaded your teletraan paper model and it looks great and can't wait to build one. But I'm having a hard time building it. I need visuals to figure it out as the instructions are not working for me. But yur work is cool and fun and I would be more than happy to pay for a set and future projects.


And thanks for the time you have invested for what you have done already.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a little teaser/work in progress:




This is the layout of the front fascia like I want it, and you can see the inset portion at the top and bottom (little inset window folds in, the walls and new "back" are to the top right, rotate 90º to fit the space, and the inset "piped screen" area is started at the bottom...). It will fold like the cartoon reference (see below) but I haven't designed the side pieces that will fill the gaps yet. Also, the bottom isn't quite right, I need to do a test print/fold to make sure it all lines up before I get too involved with it any further.


Thanks to Trailbreaker77 for the screen shots of the Nemesis. I couldn't have done it without his help! :)


I'm basing mine pretty strictly off this reference shot he posted in this thread:



I liked it the best, and it felt the most "akin" to the Teletraan, but different enough without feeling too much different like some of the other Nemesis shots.

Obviously, I'll be putting my own spin on a few things and fleshing it out with my own thoughts on how it should look, but this was a very adequate starting point, as you can see.


Now comes the hours of work ahead... DETAILING this puppy. Last thing I'll be doing will be the screens, and then I'll post them with instructions like the Ark/Teletraan-I, available for everyone to download and assemble!


I MAY or may not make side pieces (like the purple walls with the orange circles, to either side of the Nemesis Mainframe) but I will definitely be making it a stand-alone piece just like the Teletraan-I version, and it will obviously attach to the Nemesis Walls to complete an actual "bridge/control room". We'll see how far I get with this. Sorry for the delay, but I've had some downtime and been itching to get back at this! :)

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  • 2 months later...

mandingo can l just say thanks for such wonderful background, l was taking pictures like this


But since l found your background it has done this to my gallery's you can check out my gallery's at www.transformertoys.co.uk


again thanks for the great backgrounds


cheers bazz


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