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G1 Bombshell

Abominus Bootleg (all toys missing some parts, likely part of the Dinosaur Monsters of Combination set, with a blue Rippersnapper)

Afterburner (Technobot) bootleg

Long Haul x2 (green)

Mixmaster (green)

Mixmaster bootleg (green)

Bonecrusher (green)

Bonecrusher bootleg (green)

BW Buzzclaw MOC

TF Stamp Fun

Energon Kite

First Aid (Protectobot)

Strafe (Technobot)


that is all I can think of right now.


Armada Wheeljack

Armada Starscream + Skywarp

Armada Overload


Energon C4 Bonecrusher

Energon D2 Blight

Energon Sixshot


R.I.D Armorhide


Cybertron Hotshot






Over the past 3 or so months I have finally completed Energon for the most part through endcapping with some fantastic sellers, and traders. :thumb


I got


Alpha Q

Windrazor, and Terradive. (Gestalts now complete, and well worth it)

Wing Saber


Grimlock and Swoop


Unless I come by a shelf warming Star Saber or Highwire and Kicker set I am officially done, and eagerly await to start all over again with Cybertron. :clap

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