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Guest Wallas

Hey, Freedomgundam... how much did pay for Nemesis?


Now my collection of Nemesis Primes / evil Convoys is complete!... for now...


Very nice Optimus collection, hope to see Black Lio, Big Convoy and the Black Robot Masters too.

Also G2 Justice Convoy should be called Convoy Missile Trailer in Japan.

oh and I really want Kabaya Blockformers now!

Thanks for the info about G2 Hero Prime's Japanese name. :thumb

And Remy, you didn't order the Blockformers from back when you asked me about them?


Hey, Freedomgundam... how much did pay for Nemesis?

Let's see... I paid exactly $57CDN in all, which should be roughly $50US... A bit pricey, I know, but HasbroToyShop doesn't ship to Canada, and while scruffythejanitor was kind enough to offer to help me buy one, he wasn't able to get any that morning due to the apparent Hasbro screw-up. Anyhow, I'm just glad to have him in my Alternators collection. :thumb

And Remy, you didn't order the Blockformers from back when you asked me about them?

lazy to do so. :tflaugh


6" Titanium:

Ops & Megs



Ops & Megs


.... :tfhuh I didn't realize I got 2 Ops and 2 Megs til now


I passed on Primus & the Deluxe Unicron.


SIDENOTE: The 6" Meg's left arm was disconnected in box, I looked at it before I got it, but it was easily fixable







i went ahead and snagged him on walmart.com when he was available... at least i got an OP if Nem OP doesn't come through, it'll break my 1 per mould rule but meh, if Nem is anything like this guy, i'm gonna love him


oh yea about the top picture... it was taken in direct sunlight and it got screwed up so forgive me i suck with the camera







i went ahead and snagged him on walmart.com when he was available... at least i got an OP if Nem OP doesn't come through, it'll break my 1 per mould rule but meh, if Nem is anything like this guy, i'm gonna love him


oh yea about the top picture... it was taken in direct sunlight and it got screwed up so forgive me i suck with the camera


My Alt. Nemesis Prime came in today! I reserved it from an ebay seller prior to him going to SDCC. Yay! :clap




It really is worrying that alt prime still seems to be hard to find in the US, yet it looks like hes gonna be common as muck in the UK.


Any particular reason why there is a sticker that says "Predacon Ship Included!" on the back of the box for the BW Megatron figure? I didn't want to take off the sticker to check.... :tflaugh1

Any particular reason why there is a sticker that says "Predacon Ship Included!" on the back of the box for the BW Megatron figure? I didn't want to take off the sticker to check.... :tflaugh1

You mean the Pred ship you can clearly see in the box? or Why is there a sticker period on the box?

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