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This is the most stuff I ever bought at one time:


- FF7 Advent Children Cloud figure

- FF7 Advent Children Vincent figure

- Batman Begins DVD

- Heat DVD

- Sam Roberts - Chemical City CD

- Cybertron Shortround

- Armada Sea Minicon team (on clearance at Zellers for 4$!)



Game Buzz is great.  They sell like everything that's even remotely related to video games.  I don't shop there too often though, I find their prices a tad higher than larger department stores (for the same item). Then again, there's a lot of things you can get at Game Buzz that you can't get anywhere else in Montreal, practically...


On a side note, how much was Game Buzz charging for each of the FF7 AC figures?

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In Port Coquitlam, BC. I'm going back to Quebec (Sherbrooke) for 3 weeks this coming Friday (getting married!), so hopefully they will get newer stuff for me there. :)

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Thanks! :)


Dunno if it qualifies for a haul, but I bought 3 different TFs off Ebay recently and had them shipped to Quebec :


-SW TF Palpatine

-SW TF Clone 1

-Energon Optimus Prime (transforming pen)

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In Port Coquitlam, BC. I'm going back to Quebec (Sherbrooke) for 3 weeks this coming Friday (getting married!), so hopefully they will get newer stuff for me there. :)

Hey, I'm from Sherby too! :canada I'm living in Montreal now. More action.

Happy wedding.


I just picked up from eBay a nice little auction #6059856691

13 Binaltechs for $290 USD = $325 CAD not bad at all. :tfdance 



The 13 are:


BT-01 Smokescreen,

BT-04 Hound,

BT-05 Dead End,

BT-06 Tracks (blue),

BT-08 Jazz (white),

BT-09 Swindle,

BT-10 Grimlock,

BT-11 Ravage,

BT-12 Overdrive,

BT-13 Laserwave,

BT-14 Wheeljack,

BT-15 Prowl (white) and

BT-16 Skids


Since I will have a second blue Tracks out of this deal, I might actually airbrush a real flame job on him. Screw the stickaz!  :tfpuke

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