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Hey, I have Cloud with Fefnir. What does this Cloud include besides the sword and extra hand? *and stand*


Nothing extra really, it's just the figure sold seperately in case you can't afford the whole set with Cloud and his bike.


Pfffft! that sucks. I was hoping for more swords or something. No reason for me to get it then. Unless my kids destroy the one I have and leave the bike intact.



I dont have any pics but I just bought "God of War" for PS2........"What do ya mean you dont care :tfmad "

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yay first haul type post ^_^  just picked up this kickback for 11.75 shipped, he doesn't come with his gun but he's got his instruction booklette and techspech sheet sooooooo not bad imo...

a412wr.jpg <--- from auction....


ever since blitzwing i've been obsessed over vintage g1... ima try for a soundwave next month!

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My Non-TF Haul For Wed. 5/24/06


Lego Trains - "Rail Cars":

#10014 Caboose [Online Store: Lego Shop At Home.com]




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My Non-TF Haul For Wed. 5/24/06


Lego Trains - "Rail Cars":

#10014 Caboose [Online Store: Lego Shop At Home.com]




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Ultimum - congrats!!!


Today: Decepticon Combiner Battle Squad: Direct Hit, Power Punch, Meltdown, Halftrack, Fireshot, Vanquish!




aww yeah.

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no cool pics to share or anything, but my tfc 18 sound blaster came in today!  it was a week early, what a nice surprise. :clap

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Only one thing today for me...


- Korean Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy (MISB) [from eBay]


Wanted the Japanese version, but oh well.  The Korean version appears to be just as good as the Japanese release, only cheaper price-wise and slightly easier to get.  The only "problem" is the packaging and paperwork; Japanese I can read, but Korean is... well... Korean to me.  (Was gonna say "Chinese to me", but I can read Chinese...  :redface )

He looks great next to Universe Nemesis Prime. :thumb

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