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According to my postage tracking my FP Crossfire parts arrived today. I couldn´t get to the post office though... Damn that annoys me so much

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Did u have any problems getting that head replacement to fit? I couldn't get it to connect, it looked like there wasn't enough plastic... or maybe it because I have the Japanese Universe version.

I had quite alot of difficulty getting the head piece too, eventually I finally got it into place and it holds tightly, just gotta keep trying at it.


Now that I have the set and put it together/apart a few times, I gotta say, this guy kicks Masterpiece Grimlock's ASS. He's that awesome.


Also the manual that comes with the sets hints at a third set in the future, most likely Devastator.

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I´d rather have the head sit on tight then flop off like the original head did, which was an ugly pain in the ass


It stays on very well, and I gotta say I'm really impressed with everything, the combined mod is just amazing, there are so many guns for the figures to use and pose with, and the best piece of them all really is Swindle, he's just an awesome lil guy.


Only complaints I have are that Bruticus' backpack (Guns) falls off at times. other then that he's pretty much perfect.

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I so need to get to the post office tomrrow!!! :argh


Can you post some pics in the action pose thread of him? I´m impatient to see what he´s really like when posing

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I so need to get to the post office tomrrow!!! :argh


Can you post some pics in the action pose thread of him? I´m impatient to see what he´s really like when posing


lol sure thing dude, best thing I've found with him are those dual shotguns, oh god those things are badass XD


Eitherway, pics will be posted in a bit then ^^"

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I HAVE MY BRUTICUS PARTS!!! And all I can say is that it´s one thing looking at pictures of these guys, and completely something else having them in your hands. If you have not bought this set yet. Do so as it is Fooking amazing!


Oh yeah and my replacemtn Cyclonus came in today as well. The one from the 3 pacl. If anyone´s interested im my spare which is now repaired and working fine, them PM me please. No targetmaster unfortunately with him though, But I´ll give him some sort of gun if you want him

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I has a haul!


Picked these guys up yesterday, forgot to post about them. :lol


Powercore Combiners:

Sledge w/Throttler

Leadfoot w/whatshisname

Icepick w/Chainclaw


(I can now build the Minicon combiner! Yay!)


Also forgot I was going to wait to see the 2-pack deco for Double Clutch, but ended up picking up the 5-pack anyways. :tflaugh

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u has a haul, i has a haul too


Courtesy of E-Bay, I did the math and ended up getting these guys for about $17.45 each. It's not bad even though I would rather favor getting them for their actual store price. All in all, this was the cheapest deal I found when looking them up.


TFA Ironhide and Rodimus Minor:


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