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Haven't got that many TF recently, but got these for Christmas: G1 Mirage, G1 Sludge, G1 Beachcomber and G1 Cliffjumper... Now I have all Dinobots & Minibots  :clap


Also got some Lego -sets: Lego Technic Streetbike & Lego Racers Ferrari F1 Racer...

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I was able to trade the rest of the games for a Super Mario RPG and Demon's Crest for only $5. I also just won this on Ebay:


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My local wally world restocked with all new toys so i grabbed:

Crosswise & Wreckloose


At a local thrift store found:

Armada Swerve (sans mini-con)

Armada Scavenger (Trashed, no mini-con)

E. Divebomb (missing lower arms)


also grabbed all 4 "Beast Formers" convertors ko's at a dollar store.

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dude that's awesome! Of the auction for the 5 MM games, I used to own the right-most two.  :thumb


Oh, I got cybertron Sideways, Override, LOC Starscream, LOC Jetfire and Alt Tracks over the last 2 months.  :tfgrin

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I dont know about haul but it's something new. I've wanted to own this character since I was little


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This is my biggest haul in awhile.


I went to Target to look for some of the older Cybertron figs that I never could convince myself to buy and found Thundercracker.


Then I went to TRU and hit the jackpot. I knew someone was doing the combo packs but I wasn't sure, and sure enough I found them at TRU. I was able to

"mix and match" to get four new deluxes that I needed for the price of 2. Very nice. Anyway, I got:


Thundercracker (returned the other one from Target)

Override (mainly for her planet key)

Red alert (always considered getting this one, but never convinced myself)

Dirt Boss (same as Red alert)


EDIT: Oh and I did see Vader, Obi-Wan and Grevious, but decided that $15 apiece was a bit much. I might go back and get the Vader though, I dunno.

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