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Gates13 last won the day on November 1 2023

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About Gates13

  • Birthday August 7

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    Comic Books, Transformers, Classic RPG's, Not growing emotionally past the 90s.

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    United States
  • About You...
    Lifelong Transformers collector, Gundam builder, Writer, Old comic fan
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    Not easy to narrow down
  • Favorite TV Shows
    Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, and similar humor
  • Favorite Books
    Batman pre-2015
  • Most Prized Transformer
    Probably G2 Megatron. Sentimental
  • Personal Quotes
    I always miss the exit, occasionally, from time to time.

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  1. I can't wait to get this full set. Death Cobra is super exciting. I thought it was gonna be Leozack's sister from the manga, but this makes so much more sense.
  2. I'm pretty hype for these. I just got the Missing Link Optimus (Toy Version) Yesterday. Really love it. Such a nice update.
  3. Oh... no. This is not for me. I'm really over the era of all characters are absolute dimwits. I'll have to pass and leave this for the age group it's targeted at. Hopefully we get back to thought-provoking kids stories at some point and stop dumbing things so far down.
  4. I love it! Not sure what some are complaining about. Can't wait for more Armada characters.
  5. I want him for sure. Love the Junkions. I think people just love to complain man. Just don't buy the figure if you don't want it. I am loving all the options they've been putting out.
  6. I'll pick up Scrapheap, but also that Rumble is super-cute. He kind of looks like a mini Bruticus. I'll definitely make room for him on one of my shelves.
  7. Redecoing Cyberverse Hot Rod into Prowl is such an odd choice, especially because there was a Cyberverse Prowl. I see why with the chest deco and slight similarity to the head sculpt. My brain initially says no, but it is kind of an interesting curiosity.
  8. Has anyone made a Bumper / Bumblejumper head for this mould? I would gladly pay for one.
  9. Wow... that's some lazy stuff right there. Wheeljack was not a good choice to match Breakdown's look.
  10. I managed to find the Takara warrior Strong Arm at a local comic shop in box for $15 about a year ago. The shell was super yellowed, thus the price. Like you said, the deco is soo much better than the Hasbro version. I really like this Legacy version though. The addition of a nose makes her feel more in-universe to the Legacy style.
  11. Well, that's certainly morbid, yet interesting. This scene broke my heart as a kid because Prowl and Ironhide were favorites of mine. Glad I was able to get the non-battle-damaged Earthrise version. I do prefer the painted windows though for longevity. On the fence on picking this one up. (I probably still will.)
  12. I actually don't mind this at all. I appreciate the real-world aspects of "the why" we only get a recolor, but I also really appreciate that they make the extra effort to give the figures a new head or accessories for the retool/recolors now. With 2 figures from RID 2000, I wonder how possible it is that a new Optimus and Magnus are on the way, and what I most want, a new Build Team.
  13. Dreams really do come true! It seriously feels like they have a direct pipeline to my brain lately.
  14. I 100% agree. I am always taken a bit by surprise by the amount of hate that spews from some of the fans. It's like they have no ability to pick and choose if they actually want to spend the money on something or not. I have really been loving the little dinobots despite their flaws. And yes! I have my Grimstone on display and can't wait to have 2 dinobot combiners.
  15. I'm super excited for Metal Hawk. Praying for Lander, Diver, and Phoenix and trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth that all the pretenders are out of scale with each other.
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