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Everything posted by Schlecki02

  1. Sort of back from the abyss ... greetz my fellow TFans :)

    1. Markusius
    2. HnH


      Wb meine freund

    3. Sparkless


      About time Captain Beerstein! I've missed you man!


  2. I kinda didn't like Grimlock as any of the limbs ... ... and once I got RiD Magnus there were some spare parts :D
  3. Heeeey buddy, long time no talk ... how're things ?

  4. School's out forever !!! ... at least in my case :D

  5. Heeeey buddy, how're things ?

  6. TMan's right - have at tee xD

  7. Well the chatbox has no history, it's blank when I join - exactly this functionality was what hooked me on the shoutbox :(

  8. Heeeeeey buddy, how are you ?

  9. I'm checking in at least daily - all that's changed is me not spamming the shoutbox anymore -_-

  10. Ah'm fine too, thanks for asking :)

  11. Where did you order your appendage kit ?

  12. OH YEAH, Superion FTW !!!

  13. Heeeeey buddy, how're things ?

  14. Heh, yeah I miss some punds on him I guess ;)

  15. Reworked my profile to fit both new styles - YAY @ transparent PNGs :D

  16. Heeeeeyy there new friend :)

  17. Hey hey hey !!! Great work on Devvy :)

  18. ... less red :sneak As opposed to more red: But serious: I'd prefer two Hightowers as legs as they bring that awesome canon and are a bit slimmer, and Heavy Load can store his back kibble better as torso... ... well if I come across more Landfill bots I'll post whatever I can make out of them ;) btw what do you think about that centerpiece mistransformation ? Now he actually has a waist & nice proportions :thumb
  19. Got my second RiD Heavy Load from a fellow member to finally do this:
  20. That's okay, your avatar is Rohrshach - it somehow fits ;)

  21. Hahaha Breaker is cool ... whoever has beef with him must have started it ^^

  22. It's a pose-off !!!! Scourge first ... Primes counter-pose No idea who won ... but yay feet :yay
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