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About Schlecki02

  • Birthday July 15

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    Ohhh I don't know ... Transformers maybe ? ;)

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    Nothing Selected

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sort of back from the abyss ... greetz my fellow TFans :)

    1. Markusius
    2. HnH


      Wb meine freund

    3. Sparkless


      About time Captain Beerstein! I've missed you man!


  2. Happy birthday buddy Send me a message or something and let me know you're still about OK

  3. I kinda didn't like Grimlock as any of the limbs ... ... and once I got RiD Magnus there were some spare parts :D
  4. Heeeey buddy, long time no talk ... how're things ?

  5. Happy B-Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. School's out forever !!! ... at least in my case :D

  7. Heeeey buddy, how're things ?

  8. Schlecki! I miss you and so does the shoutbox, like Bugstomper said.

  9. For some reason your wish list doesn't work for me anymore. screen isn't complete and doesn't move...

  10. TMan's right - have at tee xD

  11. Well the chatbox has no history, it's blank when I join - exactly this functionality was what hooked me on the shoutbox :(

  12. You should SPAM the crap out of the shoutbox! It misses you! Better yet, you should pop into the Chatbox some night it's where it's at these days!

  13. Heeeeeey buddy, how are you ?

  14. I'm checking in at least daily - all that's changed is me not spamming the shoutbox anymore -_-

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