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My Non-TF Haul For Sun. 2/11/07


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 10 - Mos Eisley Spy / Wal-Mart Exclusive" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87353 "Saga #073: Labria" (Hologram Boba Fett x1) [store: Wal-Mart]


Beckett Yu-gi-oh Unofficial Collector:

Issue #28 (Cover: Cyberdark Dragon) [store: Wal-Mart]






My Non-TF Haul For Sun. 2/11/07


Star Wars Saga Collection "Wave 10 - Mos Eisley Spy / Wal-Mart Exclusive" (Asst. #85770):

x1 #87353 "Saga #073: Labria" (Hologram Boba Fett x1) [store: Wal-Mart]


Beckett Yu-gi-oh Unofficial Collector:

Issue #28 (Cover: Cyberdark Dragon) [store: Wal-Mart]





2 G1 #06 reissue megatrons...


originaly i only wanted one as a x-mass gift but i forgot i pre-orded one way back in october so now ive got 2... might sell one tho having 2 isnt a bad thing


Bought used, but oh so nice...



tites roddy and sw, classics grim and jetfire.


This week's haul:


32" HDTV

Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player with King Kong HD

Batman Begins HD


Still no TFs haul, there's just nothing out that I want.




Damn, I thought I was gonna be the first this week to post a guitar haul!


I'm a bass player, and I was inspired to play the bass by:



And though he's not playing the bass he's probably most famous for, here it is:



Well... it's not HIS old bass per se... but I am very happy to have this baby on its way to my house.




THey rule. Screw the haters. :)


Granted, I may rationalize a lot, but when I look at my toys, and their supposed "flaws", I wonder what the character would feel like if he were in the situation.


Snarl is a hunter, a predator, and he's quite single minded. SO the bio would have us believe, anyway.


He doesn't need to manipulate things with his hands, drive a ship, or do pretty much anything else but his one passion - to beat the crap out of others. I've said it before - he can clamp down with his tiger jaw right hand, and do that back-leg kick thing that cats do to raise a ruckus... I wouldn't want to run into him in the jungle. Therefore, I dig him. Though - the fact that his bot legs/pelvis look like they're on backwards, with the balljoint showing, that's a little lazy on the designer's part.

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