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My Non-TF Haul For Mon. 5/01/06



Bakuryuu Action Series 2: Dimenokodon  [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]



GoGo Gattai Series 03: GoGo Mixer [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

GoGo Gattai Series 04: GoGo Crane [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

BoukenBlue and GoGo Gyro set [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

BoukenRed's Weapon: Bouken Bo [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

Model Kit DaiBouken  (Boxes #1 to #3) [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

Boukenger's Scope Shot [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]

Sound & Flashing Gun *Bonus* [Ebay Seller: cwk2002]




ANd I did.  YAY!! I'm quite pleased with the new OVerride and Skywarp.  Override needs a new name...


That is the one I have. The ONE.  :thumb


Energon bulkhead loose complete from optimus_racer

Energon landquake loose complete from optimus_racer

Energon bulkhead loose complete from optimus_racer

Energon landquake loose complete from optimus_racer

You got them!  Congrats!!!   :clap  :clap  :clap

Now to wait for mine...

mine had a cigarete smoke smell.cleaned them with some 409 and lysol and the smell was lessened.might take a bit for the smell to completely go away.

Energon bulkhead loose complete from optimus_racer

Energon landquake loose complete from optimus_racer

You got them!  Congrats!!!   :clap  :clap  :clap

Now to wait for mine...

mine had a cigarete smoke smell.cleaned them with some 409 and lysol and the smell was lessened.might take a bit for the smell to completely go away.

Ulgh.  That's gotta be annoying.

I hope that's not the case with the stuff I'm supposed to get...  :redface

Energon bulkhead loose complete from optimus_racer

Energon landquake loose complete from optimus_racer

You got them!  Congrats!!!   :clap  :clap  :clap

Now to wait for mine...

mine had a cigarete smoke smell.cleaned them with some 409 and lysol and the smell was lessened.might take a bit for the smell to completely go away.

Ulgh.  That's gotta be annoying.

I hope that's not the case with the stuff I'm supposed to get...  :redface

Probobly.the instructions smelled pretty bad too.but them in a bag and put backing soda in there.*wait 3 days*hopefully it will go away :roll


My Non-TF Haul For Sun. 4/30/06


Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:

x8 SOI Pack(s) [store: Wal-Mart]

x2 SOI SE Pack(s) [store: Meijer]

x2 TP6 Packs [store: Meijer]




I bought some groceries at Target last night. Pictures coming soon.



Pretty much


Picked up Wave 2 of LoCs yesterday at TRU (Leobreaker, Scourge, Evac, Jetfire), because I was missing 3 of them (Leo, Scourge, Evac).  Now I have all 12 LoCs MOSC!  Now to hunt down those 2 Starscream exclusive repaints...  :(

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