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My Non-TF Haul For Tues. 12/13/05


Zyuranger Hikaru Chogokin:

Tiger Ranger Hikaru Chogokin [Ebay Seller: sellersonwheels]

Dragon Ranger Hikaru Chogokin [Ebay Seller: sellersonwheels]



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Pricematched Toys R Us' TF sale at Wal-Mart.  The assistant manager almost didn't let me pricematch, with the following arguments:

1) "They don't say which TFs are on sale" (It says "ALL" on the flyer!)

2) "They didn't write the original price on the flyer, so I don't know their regular price" (Hasbro has TFs sorted into size classes for a reason...)

3) "We already have THE lowest regular price" (Ri~ight.  Your regular price is $9.92CDN for a Basic compared to $9.97CDN at TRU.  A whooping 5 cents)


Anyhow, I made myself clear that I was right (:D) and I got my 30% off.  So I picked up Clocker, Breakdown and Undermine (they didn't have them at TRU yesterday)

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Got my Hasbro re-issue Astrotrain today. Looks really nice. I actually prefer these colors over the original (which I also have).


Also, finally got my BT Skids this weekend, and man it is nice. Much better figure than I expected. Great, difficult and inventive transformation, plus the bot looks really nice. I put the G1 stickers on it and I think it looks much better.


Now the really good one...


I GET MY NEW DISPLAY CABINET TOMORROW!!!! I have been waiting 2 1/2 months for this thing and boy is it gonna be worth it. 5'w x 6'h x 16'' deep, gonna be sweet. Be sure to check out the Collectors Corner over the next few weeks, I will be post lots of pics of the progress of filling up that bad boy. I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! Christmas is coming early this year, yeah!!!

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Pricematched TRU's sale at Zellers, picked up the remaining 2 Armada remolds that I was missing, Blurr and Buzzsaw.  Now I have SEVEN of those Cybertron DVDs with that episode "Hidden"...  :redface


All that's left for me to get right now is Wreckloose, and the Street Speed Minicon team, before I'm up-to-date with Cybertron.  I've seen them ONCE at Wal-Mart, but I didn't pick them up...  I don't think CDRedalert/FirstGunner, Crosswise/Autovolt, Brimstone/Terrashaver and Thunderblast/Chromia have been sighted in Canada, much less here in Montreal, although I'd love to be proven wrong... :D

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I'm going to build myself a new shelving unit on the wall next to my bed and there I can display more of my collection when I get it.  I plan on getting all of the Speed Planet Transformers that I saw the other day and that's it.  There's Clocker, Blurr, Ransack and Crumplezone that I have to get and then it's just a matter of finding Brakedown and Dirt Boss and then I can start on the Jungle Planet transformers.  :tflaugh

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