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Hello and welcome to "That's Just Prime!" Ep. 264! Today we're taking a look at the Transformers BLOKEES Classic Class (Rise of the Beasts) OPTIMUS PRIME!
- thats just prime!
- thats just prime! review
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Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Optimus Primal figure from Transformers Rise of the Beasts movie. Comes with 2 swords, 1 axe, 1 Transwarp Key, and 2 pieces of chain. Transforms from robot to Gorilla and back again.
- optimus primal
- transformers
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A 2-for-1 Friday with the incredibly overlooked Rise of the Beasts mainline voyager Rhinox, as well as, his tiny diminutive battle master version of himself. My expectations were low, but, wow, really a diamond in the rough.
- rhinox
- rise of the beasts
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Hello and welcome to "That's Just Prime!" Ep 259! Today we’re taking a look at the Transformers Studio Series 106, Leader Class Optimus Primal from Transformers: Rise of the Beasts!
- thats just prime!
- thats just prime! review
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- rise of the beasts
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Transformers Studio Series Deluxe Predacon Scorponok Figure, #107. Comes with one weapon that Transforms into the tail of the scorpion. Transforms from robot to scorpion and back again. Seen in the Transformers Rise of the Beasts movie.
- predacon scorponok
- terrorcon
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Tonight on GotBot Goes Live, we talked Legacy Straxus, Deathsaurus and the very off Megmasaurus. Plus, we delved into DNA Design and YOLOPARK's latest tidbits. We rounded the night with trivia and this week's unboxing!
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- transformers news
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Let's monkey around with the Transformers Studio Series Rise of the Beasts Optimus Primal (whom I may use as an Apelinq stand in)! I really wanted the Transwarp Key, but what a bot! He's great, but definitely not a real Leader class, but not enough less to be Voyager either. What a furry oddity he is!
- optimus primal
- gotbot true review
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- rise of the beasts
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Transformers Rise of the Beasts Beast Alliance Beast Battle Master Airazor figure. Transforms from hawk to Shield weapon in 8 steps and from shield to hand held weapon in another 4 steps. Compatible with blast effects!
- airazor
- beast alliance
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Transformers Legacy Evolution Deluxe Insecticon Bombshell. From the G1 Universe. Comes with one weapon and two accessories.
- scorponok. predacon
- sandspear
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This time we stick with the creepy-crawly theme by way of the Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Rise of the Beasts Predacon Scoponok and battle master Sandspear, plus we compare this set to my Kingdom (with added 3D parts), Creature's Collide and my custom original version, as well as, the tiny one that even came with Studio Series Blackout!
- buzzworthy bumblebee
- rise of the beasts
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Transformers Studio Series ROTB Rhinox Voyager Figure (#103) Review. Figure comes with one weapon, some kind of hand staff with spikes. Transforms from robot to rhinoceros and back again - Rodimusbill Review
- rhinox
- studio series
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Transformers Rise of the Beasts Buzzworthy Bumblebee Jungle Mission 3 Pack Cheetor Review & Comparison with Kingdom Deluxe Cheetor - Rodimusbill Review
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- rise of the beasts
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Hello and welcome to Bert the Stormtrooper Reviews! Today we're taking a look at the Transformers: Studio Series 100 BUMBLEBEE from the Rise of the Beasts movie!
- bert the stormtrooper
- studioseries
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Hello and welcome to "That's Just Prime!" Ep. 252! Today we're taking a look at the Transformers, Studio Series 03, Gamer Edition OPTIMUS PRIME!
- bert the stormtrooper
- thats just prime!
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Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Studio Series Optimus Prime (#102) from Transformers Rise of the Beasts movie. Comes with two weapons. Transforms from robot to semi truck and back again. Not a perfect figure but pretty close in robot mode.
- buzzworthy bumbebee
- studio series
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Tonight on GotBot Goes Live, we talked news for SDCC and TFCon, as well as, ROTB Extras, Flame Toys, threezero and YOLOPARK!
- gotbot goes live
- livestream
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