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  1. Since all the talk is on combiners, I thought I'd repost my Combiner Special! Transformers Combiners Special Review (CW, TR, PoTP) by Rodimusbill Combiners include: CW Superion CW Menasor CW Defensor CW Sky reign (my version) CW Optimus Maximus (my version) POTP Volcanicus POTP Abominus Titan Class Predaking Special guest Voltron!
  2. The time has come to look at the Transformers Studio Series '86 Ultra Magnus, dig deep and compare this big boy to not only the Earthrise but the Combiner Wars too, with the KBB KO of the Perfect Effect Core Fighter and X2Toys xt009 upgrades! This will be a beefy review!
  3. The showdown is now! This is the review for Transformers Legacy Menasor, compared to his Combiner Wars counterpart. I also compare both Stunticon groups in vehicle and robot mode too. I should not, I did some mods to my CW lad to make him much more solid.
  4. So, taking a look at the Transformers Legacy Wildrider, which is basically the same as Combiner Wars Wildrider, or Brake-Neck) but with a more animation accurate shell.
  5. Prepare for extermination...or at least this week's countdown! With all the fan votes, we have the Top 10 versions of Devastator and a valuable lesson in the effect joke votes can have in a fan amassed list. This one is a bit unpredictable, I thought anyway.
  6. The finale of our look at the Aoyi Mech KO of Studio Series Devastator, where we look at combined mode and compare it with the Combiner Wars version and discuss the alt configuration to get him hunched over and if the hassle is worth it!
  7. Another flashback review from 1985. G1 STUNTICONS.... Motormaster, Dragstrip, Dead End, Breakdown, and Wild Rider. All 5 STUNTICONS combine into giant robot Menasor!
  8. This review is a little different. It is my custom Nexus Prime (or Nexus Maximus if you prefer), based on KO's of the Combiner Wars molds; but there was a path to getting here that includes my thanks for many people's help. Additionally, I show him with my updated, current roster of the thirteen.
  9. In honor of the reissue of Transformers Combiner Wars Devastator, I took the liberty of going back and looking at everything to do with this guy and each of the Constructicons in this super sized titan review, featuring Perfect Effect PC-07. Not gonna lie, the review is all-inclusive and long but intended especially for those who are only discovering this set now by way of the reissue and maybe weren't part of our collector community back when he was originally released 6 years ago.
  10. Tonight on GotBot Goes Live, we dove into Pulsecon reveals and reactions, touched on an odd Fans Toys rumor, and Earthrise Scorponok rumor. We topped the night off with a fun unboxing!
  11. As part of Bots@Home, and after many requests following my look at my Custom Liokaiser with all six members and their breast master partners, I offer an addendum here to that series with my custom Combiner Wars Deathcobra and Cobrabreast. I show him in all modes, with the entire team and see if he can work with Liokaiser himself!
  12. Which is you favorite version of Magnus? Combiner Wars or Siege?
  13. Transformers Generations Selects King Poseidon (Piranacon) Review, Larkin's Lair
  14. Transformers Generations Selects Overbite Review, Larkin's Lair
  15. My review of the Combiner Wars AERIALBOTS with their G1Original counterparts and a KO version of a Deceptican mini SUPERION! *Full video*
  16. Part Two of my AERIALBOTS Review. This review I go over Combiner Wars SUPERION and a mini Japanese SUPERION third party.
  17. Hey all, just thought I'd start a review thread since I post regular video and written reviews. I've mainly focused on MPs, but have just started the 2015 Combiner Wars figures too. Hope you can check out the reviews and photos ?
  18. Is it fruit, or a Combiner Wars box set? Find out as Death goes over all six figures in the G2 Bruticus Box set! The Combaticons are the latest CW figures to get an ugly 90s makeover, with perhaps the loudest combos of them all! Is this repaint-o-rama worth your money? It might be - just for another Legends Shockwave! But watch and find out for yourself, then subscribe to Death and prove how COOL you are!
  19. A lot of folks think Hasbro dropped the ball when they didn't make Groove as a deluxe for Combiner Wars Defensor. And Takara agreed with a mighty slap in the face by making a Groove Deluxe figure! But even Hasbro can own up to a mistake now and then, so they bowed to the inevitable and gave us a Groove as well. If you're on the fence about picking this one up, then watch this detailed review of the figure as the Grim Reaper rides this hog....
  20. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's.... hey, just what the heck IS this thing anyway? Join Death as he reviews all FIVE figures which comprise the "Sky Reign" gestalt for Combiner Wars - and yes, that includes the centerpiece, Sky Lynx! So grab some death snacks and enjoy! Is he a Voltron rip-off with that lion head? Or just a really, really patriotic football player? You decide!
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