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  1. Always nice to take a look back in time and see how the technology of Transformers has progressed. Here is the 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Optimus Prime, which was very heavy and one of the best early cartoon accurate Optimus Primes. He also came with cool accessories, like a Megatron in gun mode. Enjoy ..
  2. Heres a look at the headmasters then and now. We have the G1 original headmasters and horrocons and the newer releases of these figures including titans return, seige and earthrise figures
  3. Opinions are quite divided on this one. Build quality maybe a notch down, but as far as cartoon accuracy this one is pretty spot on. What do you think?
  4. MP-13 Soundwave. I wanted to do this one for a long time. I think this one has a special place in the masterpiece line. He's quite cartoon accurate, but is also very sturdy, and has this old school feel to it.
  5. Since pre-orders are up again, I present to you MMC's homage to Mirage. MMC did a really good job on this one, named PS-01C Sphinx Cel. The transformation is not overcomplicated and very enjoyable.
  6. MP-51 Arcee, a masterpiece shellformer. Except for the backpack, still a pretty accurate and fun figure. The shell transformation is actually pretty involved and I don't mind the backpack as much as I thought I would. What do you think? Enjoy!
  7. Does Masterpiece Optimus Prime MP-10 still hold up today? Check out my no-word review / showcase and decide for yourself! Accompanied by some homemade chiptunes:) Happy holidays everybody!
  8. Here's my take on Beast Wars MP-50 Tigatron. I like him. He starts to grow on me, although, I do have some mixed feelings, especially about the legs. The leg transformation is great, but at the same time the range of motion is a bit too limited in both modes in my opinion, especially in the tiger mode. But there's always something to complain about:) Enjoy!
  9. Here's my short take on this neat little (and heavy!) figure. Fans Toys' Dunerunner is a MP style Beachcomber. I love the clean look and how the security cage is folded into his torso. Very sturdy, very poseable. Enjoy!
  10. I guess it was time for the cutest Autobot of them all: Masterpiece version 2 of little G1 Bumblebee. I had mixed feelings about the transformation of this figure, but in the course of preparing for this video, I actually really started to like the transformation a lot more. When you do certain little things the instructions don't tell you, the transformation gets a bit more intuitive, like folding the shoulders up all the way. And the result? A spot on G1 cartoon Bumblebee exactly how I wished the original toy looked like:). I don't even have problems anymore with the 'backpack', because it clicks together rather tightly when done properly. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my little take on MP Bumblebee!
  11. Because of the recent reissue of MP-39, my take on this figure. Very articulated and has quite some smart transformation parts. As an added bonus I incorporated his ancestor from 1984! Enjoy!
  12. The first one of a mostly excellent collection of Beast Wars Masterpiece figures. Has some smart transformation parts like the gorilla upper thigh changing into the calf of the robot mode. A lot of fun this figure. Enjoy!
  13. Hi everybody, I recently started a Youtube channel with me transforming Transformers with interesting transformation sequences and it shifted fairly fast towards short bitesize video's showcasing the alt mode and robot mode with a clear transformation in between. Got quite a few comments on the soothing effect of the sounds so I tried something new: I re-edited the transformations to a slower pace turned up the volume of the ratcheting sounds and added white noise. The effect should be calming. What do you think? Does it work or should I stick to (and improve) my no-word review video's?:) The first ASMR video I made:
  14. Made a showcase video on both alt mode and robot mode of Masterpiece MP-47 Hound with a very clear transformation in the middle. Let me know what you think!
  15. I just started making these video's, and I can actually see them as reviews. I show the transformation very clearly, and show various cool shots and some comparisons. So it'll tell you if the design and engineering is any good and if it will stand awesome on your shelf. What more do you need to know?? Tell me what you think. Is this enough to decide buy or not buy? This is the latest one on my Youtube channel Cophonz:
  16. 1984 to 2004 20th anniversary review Masterpiece Optimus Prime. Comes with matrix, Megatron gun, Ion blaster, and axe. Very cool features, such as communicators, hydraulics, and moving mouth. Great looking cartoonish G1 Optimus Prime figure!
  17. Thanks to our sponsor RobotKingdom, we have news and images of the Takaratomy Mall Exclusive Transformers Masterpiece MP-39+ SPINOUT. The figure is available for pre-order now with shipping slated for November 2020. Fans with a keen eye will recognize this recolor as a homage to the original red colors Diaclone Countach LP5005. Click Image to Read the Full News Story Now #TransformAtHome
  18. Hi everybody! I grew up with the Transformers, and I have always been very interested in the engineering of all Transformers toys. All my old toys are totally limb because I was so fascinated by the transformation:). When the Masterpiece line was released I was blown away. The engineering just gets more and more interesting every day. So I decided I wanted to do something with that interest/obsession and I launched a Youtube channel (named Cophonz) a few days ago with me transforming Transformer toys with interesting transformations. I skip no step, make it as insightful as possible, and edit it to keep up the pace. I also intentionally let the mechanical and ratcheting sounds in it for the sake of getting a good feel of the toy. I add some (hopefully)interesting obscure old-school tunes in the background. It's kind of informative and relaxing at the same time:) Anyway, I loved making the movies and aim to make a lot more (and keep improving them). If you think: sounds interesting, I embedded the video for MP-44 Optimus Prime below! Interested in more? The link to my Youtube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2v44clzp5lJ4L0mXtE7U0Q I would appreciate it greatly if you spread the word if you liked it by subscribing and sharing. Thanks!
  19. This is a third-party representation of a masterpiece Transformers Dragstrip the Decepticon Stunticon Combiner Warrior. https://youtu.be/JD6iUx5bgGo
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