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Posts posted by Overbite

  1. San Jose Wal Mart (Senter RD):

    Picked up the last WM exclusive Big Daddy and got Divebomb and Jolt too. They were out of Grindcore. :(

    Is he going to be hard to get too?


    San Jose Wal Mart (Monterey HW)

    one lonely WM exclusive Divebomb and 3 Incinerators left (as I headed to the registers with one of the Incinerators in my hand).


    The WM in Milpitas & Mtn. View had a tons of Incinerators but it didn't look like they had any of the Cyb repaints.

    Both had lots of early wave one and two figs like '77 BB.

  2. South Bay NorCal sighting:


    Target (Hillsdale Ave.) Bunch of Transformer Robot Replicas Barricade & Unleashed Primes.


    TRU (Blossom Hill Rd.) Had one Payload from the new 09 Bumblebee wave and that was it. I had them check in back and were all out.


    TRU (Winchester) nothing; they put new stock out last night and all of it was gone.

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