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Raider Magnus

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Posts posted by Raider Magnus

  1. For those curious, here's a shot of WST Soundwave next to WST Blaster.

    Just got him. Got a Dirge and Ramjet on the way which will make all 7 Seekers.






    What's the plastic quality on it? Looks kind of soft in the legs.


    Nah, plastic quality is fine. He's sturdier than the official WST Megatron by a long stretch. I'm just glad he's size appropriate.

    Real G1, Soundwave is about waist high to Blaster.

  2. Well, been a while since I posted a haul but I got my Holy Grain of collection finally this week:





    Got him for $85 or so on eBay from a seller that listed him as having been displayed but never transformed. When I received him I was pleasantly surprised to find hte description was in fact too short of the mark. He had never even been unbound from the plastic moulding of the case at all. He was essentially MIB. AWESOMENESS!!!!



    More pics later, this is just quickies from the camera phone.










    After eating this twinkie of course! :thumb

    *eats twinkie*


    Great job RM, very funny. :thumb



    Oh, I didn't know I was swiping a photo idea of yours. I just remember the argument from some time back and figured, what the heck.


    One of these days soon I'm gonna do Bumblebee VS Scorponok, my largest Decept.

  4. The Jrs. - like the WST figs- are closer to size appropriate next to Fort Max. They are still too big (Devastator is only 65 or 70 feet tall, tops, and would therefore not make it past Fort Max's Ankle) but they are the closest thing we have.


    The Full sized Devastator figure is about 30% taller than the Jr. I used and would therefore be even more off-scale too big.


    As for Red's question regarding the other Jrs, just search eBay under TF's for Jr.


    The stickers I referred to, like all of the best sticker stuff, can be found at www.reprolabels.com.

  5. good use of the wsts! n i see u made use of a devastator ko! godzilla.pwn3d



    It's Devastator Jr. As a knockoff, it's the best I've ever seen. Good detail and surprisingly solid plastics. When I get some reprolabels (in the mail now, I'm told) I'll re-sticker the fake Decept symbols. Cosidering how good this one was, I'll be getting a Jr. of the Bruticus, Superion and Defensor that are all available.




    I've got paintshop pro 7 or 8 or some such, but frankly I never use the bugger and wouldn't know how to make those captions and such with it, presuming that's possible to begin with.


    But c'mon! It's supposed to be cheesey!

  6. GUIGUI- yeah, Fort Max isn't just a brick, he has some articulation. Oh and that's Devastator Jr. that I just got to go with the WST guys. Individually, the vehicular forms fit in mostly OK with them, but as bots they are a bit over-large. But I got them mostly for Devastator- which ends up looking like he did in the TV show and Comics after they merge and grow a bit.


    Hi Red!

  7. Four hundred feet versus One thousandone hundred sixty feet.


    I'm saying he's in the range of triple his height and 20 times his mass.


    Think of a baby just learning to walk next to a man of 6 feet 5 inches tall.

  8. Right about 2 ft tall.


    The biggest Godzilla is supposed to ever be in the late 90's was a tad over 400 ft. Fort Max is recorded in a few places as 1160 ft. So that's about the right size between them- Ft. Max just a tad less than 3 times the height of big G.

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