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Status Updates posted by PuertoRiCON

  1. Watched The Dark Knight Rises again.....so many plot holes....so little Batman.

    1. puma


      haha. yup. Dark Knight set the bar so high Rises didnt rise up to it.



    2. Blitz-Wing


      Typical of an action hero movie though, don't you think?

  2. Although modern engineering make for cool looking figures, I still prefer the simplicity of G1 transformations...

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Post a topic, please :-D

  3. Has to list my Amazon sale figures on EBay due to Amazon holiday sellers policy.....stupid Amazon

  4. Voted Early today. Regardless of who you're for, go out and make your voice heard TFormers!

  5. Saw 4 MP Thundercrackers on the shelf at Toys R Us today.....not even interested.

    1. Blitz-Wing


      I saw 6 at floor level and 8 on overflow. At $75, they can have them

    2. Sparkless


      I want one.... if anyone would be able to trade with me for one, let me know


    3. Lord_Onslaught


      I passed them up also, I will wait until later on to buy them, besides I would rather have the Combaticons. They are first priority

  6. Sold three figures in 2 days.... can get used to making money on my toys!

  7. Yeah! Made my first sale....bye bye Universe Galvatron!

  8. Selling my CHUG figures....hearts not into it anymore.

    1. Wildrider


      Are you quitting TF's completely?


    2. PuertoRiCON


      Just quiting collecting anything that isn't G1

  9. Dark Knight Rises was good....but not as GREAT as The Dark Knight.

    1. C - 310

      C - 310

      Agreed. Half the time I can't understand Bane at all.


  10. Went fishing today, caught a few bluegill. Almost caught a gator.....that would have been cool.

  11. I find it amazing that people are actually spending money on these ridiculously undersized Prime figures. I know, to each his own, but paying $13 for an oversized scout figure (deluxe) is such a ripoff. I think after this years Generations figures, I'm done. The hobby is just not really worth it anymore......

    1. Lord_Onslaught


      Actually most of them are the same size or a little taller than Generations Deluxe. Vehicon towers over Wheeljack and Trakcs and same size as Jazz

    2. PuertoRiCON


      Their vehicle modes are so small though. Seems like you're not getting as much plastic as with earlier lines. I held DOTM Bumblebee and Prime Bumblebee side by side....Prime Bee was so small. I was tempted to buy Vehicon, but meh.....not interested at all.

    3. Lord_Onslaught


      To each their own, I could careless about the alt mode, and they may not have as much plastic but theystill have some height.

  12. I know it doesn't actually count as a repaint....but just finished painting my house! So glad I'm done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PuertoRiCON


      Yeah owning a house is the greatest! However, I don't recommend painting in the 94 degree Central Florida heat....I think I lost 10 pounds off sweat alone today.

    3. Sparkless


      A nice accomplishment though

    4. Lord_Onslaught


      I'm also looking forward to painting my new house. Though in the dry heat of Arizona, it should be more fun then the humidity of Florida

  13. is the new owner of a Steel Blue Metallic Honda Ridgeline. I shall dub thee Kup....I just need to find me a magnetic Autobot faction symbol.

  14. My Roku 2 XS ROCKS!!! So glad i got rid of cable so long ago. I evben ordered another Roku for my mancave....Cut the cord people! more money for Transformers!!!

  15. Debating on whether I should be a scalper and buy the 5 G2 Primes, 3 Perceptors and 3 WreckGars i saw at Marshalls....hmm.....

    1. puma


      they're not going for much these days. i saw 7 wreck gars at a Marshalls the other day.

  16. Just deleted my Facebook account! Feels liberating!

    1. StarLurker


      "We are going to give you this headache and butt-rape sandwhich. And now you are going to pay us for it."


      On to the next fad social networking site!

    2. PuertoRiCON


      Nope. I'm done doing the social networking thing. Strictly sticking to my blog and shutterfly for pics of the kids/family.


    3. StarLurker


      I mean, there's a rumor that Facebook will start charging it's users. So it's time for everyone to move on to the next "biggest social networking site evar"

  17. Watching DOTM on the flat screen.....it's as awesome at home as it was in the theaters.

    1. Optics


      Arrrrr matey, it is /pirate

    2. PuertoRiCON


      Yar!!........Blray rip FTW!

    3. hthrun


      My son saw a commercial last night for it and he got so excited :)

  18. Got two HP touchpads over the weekend, a 32g and a 16g.....loaded the 32g with a ridiculous amount of comis, mostly transormers books....time to sell the other.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blitz-Wing


      I'd be nervous, since HP will not be supporting WebOS anymore. But that's just me.

    3. Taaron


      Got myself a 16 gig one last night. I hope, haven't received a shipping notice yet. Anywho, I figured given how much HP-branded stuff I have, it was a case of "why not? Just add to the collection." XD

    4. PuertoRiCON


      Already sold the 16g at twice what I paid for. Gotta love capitalism. As far as it being discontinued, it doesn't matter to me, it was only released this summer, and HP will continue to support webOS..also, xda is already working on porting over Android Honeycomb and Gingerbread.....

  19. I think I would have enjoyed DOTM a whole lot more minus the 3D

    1. hthrun


      One way to find out... With 3D movies I usually forget it's 3D after a few minutes, unless there's a scene that really sticks out. I'm hoping to see TF3 in a theater again, but next time it'll probably not be in 3D...

  20. Hit the JACKPOT today and finally found Wheeljack and Warpath at Walmart...They had about 8 Thundercrackers along with 4 Wheeljacks and Warpaths each.

    1. StarLurker
    2. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      I saw Warpath at a Target today

  21. Super 8 was Super predictable......

  22. Went to Walmart looking for Generations figures...no luck. Saw Deluxe Exclusive DOTM Prime..passed him up, but returning tomorrow and he will be mine.

  23. Can finally stop saying my fiance and start calling her my wife and actually/legally mean it.....

  24. Finished reading the DOTM novelization.....worst ending ever.

    1. jeffafa


      Why am I not surprised?

    2. PuertoRiCON


      Seriously, I just posted in the DoTM Novelization thread..very underwhelming,

  25. Told a fib, and got both Generations Kup and Scourge for $7 each!

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Liar! Liar! Pants on... WHOA!! Heheheh, that was cool, heheheheheheh

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