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Posts posted by Jaguaratron

  1. http://www.collectablekingdom.com/product_...roducts_id/1098


    Let's see if they follow through with this!?


    PS: Does anyone know the legalities of them advertising this for such a stupidly low price? Do they have to sell it to me, or can they pull out?

    (I think there's one more in stock. So whoever else orders one, PM me & we can see how it goes!)




    It said "out of stock" when I tried to put another one in my cart. Just the 1 I suspect?  :tdown


    some eletrical dealers have been forced to uphold deals on mistaken prices on the internet (in the UK). Guess it depends on where theyare based to which laws adhere

  2. Just found ALT SWERVE in one of Southern FL's Targets.  Pretty good if you ask me.  Think I'll stay. :thumb


    Didn't open him up yet...still up in the air about opening him up and setting him free. :tftongue


    Let him out :P


    Jaguaratron, I'm thinking that you are giving me all the confirmation I need...LOL!


    One question is who should I put the Fire stickers on?


    Alt Blue TRACKS


    BT yellow TRACKS






    I'm not sure which guy deserves it although I'm thinking of just not useing it al all.  Still thinks that it should have been imprinted on the toy altogether. :tftongue


    I dont like the flame sticker myself so recommend that you keep it mint on sheet for future generations to enjoy ;)

  3. Galaxy convoy and rare oversized RM Starscream :P


    Look at Starscream go ;)


    i didn't know RM starscream had no articulation! :eek  :eek


    He has a lot more than the g1 version but his legs only ahve about 30 degrees of motion and no knees, hes really cool though, just THS-01 Convoy is awesome in comparison ;)

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