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Status Updates posted by Optics

  1. Glad to be home. 19 straight hours in a car is just too damn much. Well not really straight, took about 10 minute breaks ever few hours, but still.....

    1. Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      I hear you. I could do that 10 years ago with a smile, but not anymore. *sigh*

  2. Still no luck finding Prime: Arcee after waiting hours in line at TRU last night.

  3. toysrus.com has the Prime figures in!!!

  4. I remember making a thread about how registering was easy and how New Users shouldn't be allowed to make new threads right away..... *looks at recent spams*

    1. jeffafa


      Ha! The entire "New Posts!" page is spam!

    2. BaCon


      That's not a bad idea!

    3. MikePrime


      Every time I've joined a message board, it was to comment on an existing thread, not make a new one. This could be a good way to stop the spambots.

  5. DMV wasn't bad this year... Hell and back I suppose. Barely passed my renewal test too.

  6. Not looking forward to going to the DMV to renew my DL. Pretty sure I have to retake the driving test because of the two speeding tickets I got early last year.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Breaker


      Ive had plenty of speeding tickets in my day and I didnt have to do anything but show up to renew mine

    3. Blitz-Wing


      California is a bit more anal than that though.

    4. Optics


      way to ruin it for me Blitz aha, but yeah my friend had gotten a ticket and was force to retake the test. He failed it twice. Not sure what the ticket was for though.

  7. Quite possibly the BEST Optimus Prime costume I have ever seen: http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/49ea8f0cgw1dmnh0ev8bgj.jpg

    1. puma


      whats up with this spam?! That costume is sweet. looks mostly like the general release of the G1 OP costume that came out last year. Love the changes they made though.

  8. w00t! Got a 20% off any item card that came with the TRU holiday book or whatever its called. Hmm, what to use it on....

    1. Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      Man, I got that catalog but no 20% coupon, just $10 off a $100 purch. Hmph.

    2. StarLurker


      Me StarLurker got same as him Hip-Hoptimus Rime

    3. puma


      ditto over here. what gives.

  9. Why is it when ever I start a PoL, all my preorders for the month get pushed back?

    1. jeffafa


      And as soon as you ship it, those preorders come in and start a new POL

    2. Optics
  10. As much as I hated Classics Skywarp before, I love it now.... but he is now up on eBay aha Discount for anyone here.

  11. Damn, TRU's b1g1 50% looked so tempting. Too bad they had nothing I wanted.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Optics


      I would've gotten Skyhammer, but TRU never carried him.

    3. Blitz-Wing


      BOGO at TRU = Clear our old stock please

    4. StarLurker


      Buy one RotF Stalker Scorponok for 13.99, get the second for 6.99! Woot!



  12. R.I.P. Steve Jobs

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Didn't agree with his business model, but a genius none the less. I would never wish for anyone to die the way he did.

    2. PuertoRiCON


      RIP, but the man was a dead beat dad, whose company never gave to charity and had his products bult in sweat shops only to make a killing overpricing those very products...

  13. PayPal holding my funds up to 21 days? *hulking up*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      I can see doing that for a LARGE amount, but other than that STUPID.

    3. Optics


      Lowest amount held on me was $20... I'm sure they would do that even if it was a penny.


      After making 2 calls, they ended up releasing my funds for use. Said this was the only time he would/could do that.


      @SL, I have their debit card and I prefer using that over my BoA card. Before I would have to transfer from PayPal to Bank which took 3-5 business days.

    4. puma


      there are plenty of websites that use paypal as well.

  14. Revoltech Prime is so dangly

    1. Superior Grilled Cheese

      Superior Grilled Cheese

      dangly? as in revoltech transforming valkyrie dangly?

    2. Optics


      Never had that, but yeah, dangly from the midsection down.

    3. Superior Grilled Cheese

      Superior Grilled Cheese

      glad I didn't buy it then, lol

  15. I'm just gonna stick with USPS when it comes to shipping. Much cheaper than what those other guys were trying to charge me. $18 compared to $5?

    1. puma


      Well, yea! I never ship the other guys.

  16. Revoltech Optimus has been shipped! Also got my reprolabels set in today (3 weeks). Such high quality looking stickers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StarLurker


      Just curious, what labels did you order? I've order from them twice, 6 sticker sets total. They are pretty good, but I find the adhesive doesn't always work. I had to use a glue stick for some of them.

    3. Optics


      aha Yeah, I kinda made that comment before even using it. I ordered a sheet for a Power Ranger zord. They looked good because it was textured. And yeah, the adhesive wasn't all that great because I was and am still able to move the sticker around. Thats good and bad depending how you look at it. Some aren't even perfect fits.

    4. jeffafa


      I hope that means BBTS will get him soon! I just check HobbySearch and they are already sold out.

  17. Updated my sales thread which now includes Xbox 360 or PS2 games... cheap, but old games.

  18. Irritated.... somehow I lost both those blue hands from the Energon bulldozers.

  19. Custom Jetwing Prime.... AMAZING! http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/6b4f8648gw1dks4rint69j.jpg ... Still, there one thing all these Custom Jetwings have all gotten wrong...

    1. StarLurker


      The feet? The chest?


      The chest is especially hard to get right, because if I recall correctly JW OP's entire chest is covered with black armor.

    2. Optics
    3. Markusius


      The wings on the movie didn't have four large engines but two large engines and a bunch of smaller ones. And the wings have a slight toggle on the ends.

  20. Where does Reprolabels ship from and whats the average ETA when shipped to Cali?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sparkless


      Um, I'm in spain and it took one week ot get some repro's from them..... lol

    3. puma


      I'm down in TX and i think it took 2-3 for me.

    4. StarLurker


      Reprolabels is in Canada I think. I've ordered twice. Took 1-2 weeks to reach Iowa.

  21. Someone buy my stuff!!!

    1. Sparkless
    2. StarLurker


      Buy mine first! >:O

    3. Optics


      @ Sparkless and StarLurker


      ... Mine first XD

  22. What are the chances of someone having a spare iGear Kup head with cigar... none?

    1. Sparkless


      actually I may be getting a spare Cygar head soon OP. I'll PM you later about it buddy


    2. Optics


      Kool, but I might be paying more or the same for a new set since you'd have to import.

    3. robotmel


      A quick search of E Bay turns up both variants of the i Gear Kup head from seller dragongames83 at a super low price! Not sure on postage to your part of the world, but defo worth a look?

  23. Who here was looking for the Superion add on?

    1. StarLurker


      Me. Maybe. :k

    2. Sparkless


      I looked and looked and looked for that set....Then remembered it's on my Aerialbots! lol


  24. Back from Con, so exhausted. Mainly from the drive. Time to have some fun with my new purchases.

  25. Scored every figure I wanted from SDCC! TF exclusives and others.

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