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Nemesis Reformatted

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Nemesis Reformatted last won the day on August 26 2021

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  • Country
    United States
  • Favorite Music
    Rock, Metal, Trance, pop, techno, industrial.
  • Favorite Movies
    Transformers, Sucker Punch, TRON, Star Wars, Godzilla, Matrix.
  • Favorite TV Shows
    Battlestar Galactica (original), Married with Children.
  • Favorite Books
    I hate reading!

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  1. Let's just stop calling him Silverstreak okay? Bluestreak was blue on the G1 Hasbro box & instruction booklet. Even though the toy was solid silver (which totally sucked), he was blue on the box. So this isn't Silverstreak or Diaclone. It's officially Hasbro Transformers G1 Bluestreak. END OF STORY!
  2. Waspinator crossover. The Joe version is the regular Swarm Trooper.
  3. You can do the same exact thing using a nail & the tube/casing from any ink pen.
  4. My store said they would have them on August 4th. They got every other new Buzzworthy release except for this one. Now I have no idea when they'll show up. And they haven't hit the website yet. I keep refreshing the page but nothing yet. I remember the Skywarp/Thundercracker 2-pack kept going in & out of stock constantly. I was playing a video game on a Sunday afternoon & decided to refresh the page & it said ADD FOR SHIPPING. Then it went out of stock right after I ordered mine. It just kept randomly going in & out of stock. I despise Target & I'm really not looking forward to going through that crap again. I dread this time of year. I have always hated August because it's usually the hottest month & now this is my 2nd reason to hate August.
  5. Why don't you just show/spoil the entire movie before they even shoot it?
  6. Well, there's another $50+ added to the almost $200 price tag. Knew it was coming as soon as I saw the pics. Hasbro is just too cheap & lazy to fill in those huge gaps on the sides. They charge top dollar but can't even give us a complete figure. Just look what they did with Earthrise Optimus Prime. Sold us the figure at leader class prices & then sold all the pieces to complete it separately with the Centurion Drone.
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