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Everything posted by STngAR

  1. Wow, this satellite internet at work is terrible. LOL I think this figure would look sooo much better if it just had a bend at the elbows.
  2. I'm going with some sort of repaint. Could maybe go with the Netflix repaints? Maybe tie in with Ultra Magnus somehow. He did have spoilers inside on the package.
  3. Im kinda surprised they didn't do some sort of base mode for Snapdragon. Seems like a common feature now.
  4. Hmmmm, Hotlink could be the Skywarp I missed out on. I'm sure they'll be in stores, I'll wait to see what they look like in hand. They do look like some nice repaints.
  5. Just need someone to post a Siege Skywarp for sale ?
  6. Yeah that base mode looks real good. Super excited to get Scorponok and have him displayed next to Omega.
  7. Got these two in the mail today. Blitzwing is a KO but I'm ok with that. Only G1's I buy are the reissues anyway so i gave this a shot.
  8. I've been checking the Target by my work here in PA for about a week now and they been slowly putting Earthrise out. I believe the beginning of the week I found Cliffjumper and 2 Ironworks, and they had the Micromasters out. Yesterday I found Leader Astrotrain and Optimus. It will be out everywhere soon and we will be complaining the same old Earthrise is on the pegs when wave 2 is supposed to be out. ?
  9. I am a huge fan of Beast Wars but I stopped collecting the MP line years ago. With the price point of the MP line now I'm happy with that decision. I am more than happy with the original toys I have of these characters.
  10. I like my Transformers to be able to transform but I love the card art of the smaller figures alot and these would look great dispalyed in the cards. Im sure the packaging for these bigger figures would be similar so I'm torn on wether to pick these up or not.
  11. Cant believe I forgot the POTP shelf but here it is
  12. I find it interesting that the rims on the Earthrise trailer match pretty good with the DOTM Optimus but not so good with the Siege.
  13. The mouth plate looks a bit off, maybe because its not painted yet but still doesnt seem right.
  14. That's a pretty clever remold of that figure. The weapons just hanging out on top of the vehicles looks a bit silly but if I got these they more than likely would be dispalyed in turtle mode anyway.
  15. That's a pretty decsent figure for being legends sized. The only thing that looked a bit off to me where those wheels.
  16. Well, good thing I'll be on my week off. Got something to look forward to now. Seeing how much of my money is going to Hasbro.?
  17. Damn work internet is blocking the video. Good thing for unlimited data ? Nice collection of big bots you got there. I'm still looking for X-2 Toys Interceptor for Metroplex. As for Fort Max I found a real nice master sword for him. I didnt bother with any of the Combiner Wars combiners because they all still had that H look that Im not fond of. Reason why I purchased the Oversized combiner versions that are out there.
  18. I think it depends on the figure. Ive handled some where I thought it felt nice and chunky and had some weight to it. And on the other hand i've had figures that felt like one of those KO cyber jets you can buy at Family Dollar. I belive the most recent one that felt like that was Selects Ricochet. That toy felt so light and brittle I was afraid to transform it.
  19. The Target near my work has been slowly putting Earthrise out. Just have to do the stop every day thing to see if they put anything new out.
  20. Thank you, i appreciate that. After looking back through I forgot the POTP shelf ?. I'll have to get it posted later.
  21. Beast Wars are my favorite toys and cartoon, so I would have to say Depth Charge. Love the toy and his character is a bad ass.
  22. Believe thats what I got out for now. I have a bunch of sealed bots in totes and I still need to set up the Siege Decepticon shelf. And Im not a collector of movie toys, I have a few that I like and thats about it.
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