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Everything posted by Grahf

  1. Really wish those leg bots sat further into the lower legs more so that only the jet parts are shown behind the legs. Since you have to fold the jet bits onto the tops of the jets and then that entire chunk gets plugged in, it make the lower legs look really stupid. Menasor doesn't have that problem since the cars not only have lower profiles to begin with, the front ends that do flip up end up filling in the look of the feet overall.
  2. If we don't get a sticker set and some horns to turn this GS Trypticon into Gigastorm from Toyhax, it would be a bigger waste than Hasbro not just releasing this as Gigastorm with a sticker sheet and some horns so it could be either. Seriously though, just make some translucent orange horns to replace the translucent orange nose cannon cover. Then have some purple stickers for the central ramp with the silver Predacon sigil, some teal stickers for the spots and some silver and gold highlights for the hips, tail and arms. But really, how do you redeco/reissue Trypticon and NOT make it Gigastorm? Especially after the overwhelming positive reception for Magmatron. People want some more Japanese Beast Wars love. Gigastorm, Big Convoy, Galvatron, Stampy, Moon, Heinrad, Longrack, Mach Kick. More than just Lio Convoy exists. Skywarp was a fluke as they just didn't want to name it Silverbolt even if Skywarp is a name that's even more known and used than Silverbolt. We have multiple versions of Skywarp and others all the time, we can handle three different versions of Silverbolt a few years apart each.
  3. Still would have been great to see them put the Astrotrain head in this release. But I just realized that with the death of Shapeways, does anyone know of another way to get the opposite side missile pod from anymore? I got one for Astrotrain and Galaxy Shuttle a few years back but never thought that Shapeways would close down. So all those designs are just gone seemingly. The opposite missile pod for this mold, a new three handle engine gun for Legacy Armada Hot Shot, all those Junkion heads for PotP Wreck Gar and so much more. I got them all but there was still stuff I wanted and stuff I need more of now. I just don't understand how not a single 3D print designer out on Taobao and Ebay didn't do the missile pod for Astrotrain and the engine for Hot Shot. Out of all the stupid useless weapons, hands and heads they continue to flood the market with, they still didn't do things that were necessary like these. Are they on Cults? I have no idea. I don't have a 3D printer so I don't bother with that site. I would imagine if they were then the designs would've been stolen and ended up on Ebay like everything else.
  4. No rocket punch pictures? He showed the missile being "fired" though. It's just a wasted opportunity to show off a fist being "fired". I just hope those colors stay those shades. The colors are beautiful and if they yellow which white and sometimes even blue can do, it would suck big time.
  5. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... but ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Transformers have always been fidget toys... Was mildly interested in these when they first leaked. However, now with all that talk about "twisting" them together to make the alt modes along with the price, I might not be interested in these at all now. I mean, what does that even work? The "twisting into" the alternate mode that is. Do you literally twist them together? So they're rubber/rubberized plastic and not standard plastic? Nothing screams "twisting" quite like a Transformer though. I guess I was expecting something along the lines of the Crash Combiners or something. You got your two packs and then that five pack. So the two packs would be like we've seen already between RiD 2015 and Cyberverse and then the five packs like the RiD 2015 combiners. Or maybe even something like the Power Core Combiners. The two packs being a larger with a smaller figure and the five pack having a larger figure with four drones for limbs. I'm down for more PCCs. Highly underrated toy line due to the drones. But most of the figures themselves weren't bad and when the drones were paired with two of the same arm and leg combos, the combined modes looked so much better. Shame about the fragile thighs on the Skyburst/Darkstream mold though. And if we're being honest, most of them made better torsos than the voyagers in Combiner Wars. Reading up on the PCC page on the wiki shouts out several of the other torsos breaking but not the Skyburst/Darkstream mold specifically. That's the only one I ever had problems with. Skyburst in particular. I think I've had six of him so far over the years for various reasons and all have broken. I just glued the legs together at the thighs and called it a day after that. Oh and the Minicon Beacon but not Backwind. Which is odd since Backwind is the one with translucent plastic but it's Beacon with the opaque plastic that broke. And one of Waterlog's wings but only small part of one of the hinges.
  6. Wow the scale on those is way off for some of them. They look pretty good though. All depends on price.
  7. Interesting. Very interesting. I was hoping for a smaller Optimus figure or at least maybe something for Roller. It seems Roller isn't even included as a separate piece. His treads are there on the trailer, but it seems as though he's no longer a separate unit anymore. It would've been cool had he been a Weaponizer and maybe combined with the Micro Trailer for a robot mode or something. But it is nice to see both the Micro Trailer and Hot Rod though. Or better yet, have the Micro Trailers and Roller combine into something. Assuming they make more for a potential upcoming Sky Garry in 2026. Those Micro Trailers look a lot like the yellow mech from Gokaioh. Also kind of like the limbs to Energon Optimus Prime. He looks to be about 14 inches as Superion should be about the same height as Menasor who was about 12 inches. Devastator is about 13 inches so this would put Star Convoy about the size I want a new Omega Supreme to be. To me, that's a tad too tall for just an Optimus. Had this been a super mode for a smaller Optimus then I'd be more okay with it. Although, this looks like it's a Gundam for Hot Rod to pilot as if he were Minimus Ambus and Star Convoy was Ultra Magnus or something. I get that this is about how tall he is but it's fucking with the scale of what's already produced. Unless they're making a new God Ginrai, Victory Saber and Dai Atlas to go along with this scale. Supe Ginrai should be the size of the Dinobots. God Ginrai should be a tiny bit taller than Jetfire. Star Saber should be a bit taller than that. Victory Saber and Dai Atlas are taller still and should both be combiner height but shorter than Galaxy Shuttle. Star Convoy should be taller than that at around the height of Galaxy Shuttle. However current combiner toys are too short as they're the same height as Jetfire. Which actually makes this Star Convoy too short. They should've just stuck to the one scale like they said they were going to instead of making a second scale that's only a smidge different.
  8. If only the arms weren't so damn long on this mold. And if the shoulder pads worked better with the articulation. I ended up shaving some plastic off Ratchet's shoulder pads so that the flaps go outward. So now when I have the arms go out to the sides, it doesn't pop the shoulder pads up and off the shoulders stupidly. The shoulder pad flaps that go in for vehicle mode now swing outward a bit to make everything look a bit more natural when bringing the arms outward. I mean, it should've been that way from the start. The limit on those flaps is just dumb for how the arms and shoulder pads need to work together. I want to go back in and see if I can trim off a little more plastic so that the flaps swing outward even more but I haven't gotten around to it yet and it's good enough the way I have it currently. Shame though that the gun arm for this seems to be one of those skinny ones that don't' look good when replacing the arm. I always have Ratchet with that weapon arm yet none of the others with theirs. I don't even use most of the stock arm weapons anymore at all because they all look goofy as hell.
  9. Oh wow, it's Cosmos. It looks like Cosmos. And yeah Decepticats, the lack of Generations Selects releases is puzzling. It should but all about lesser known characters and straight reissues so you can make smaller runs that don't need to be shopped to the big box stores. Instead, we get nothing. I just wish we'd all stop pretending as if certain characters NEED completely different molds from others. Like Prowl, Jazz, Hound and Skids for instance all transform exactly the same and have the same overall parts layouts. So why do they all NEED to have different molds? Just make a base skeleton that can easily be reshelled and can have certain joints work as needed for the slightly different parts layouts for robot mode. And in this case, make the door wings optional. You can have them out like the G1 toys (or Alternator toy for Hound) or just hide them away as you see fit. Or have the rear of the vehicle turn into the legs differently between Prowl (windshield forward), Jazz/Skids (windshield backward) and Hound (rear of vehicle as the bottom of the feet instead of the underside of the vehicle being the bottom of the feet). Warpath, Cosmos and Seaspray can all be the same base mold. Jazz, Prowl, Hound, Skids, Cybertron Crosswise, Cybertron Downshift and many, many Bumblebees. Sideswipe, Mirage and ALL the Spychangers. Tracks, Wheeljack, Sunstreaker, Downshift, Camshaft, the Throttlebots, the Battlechargers and Backstreet. Punch/Counterpunch, Pointblank, Armada Blurr, IDW Drift, Boss, Euro G1 Jetstorm, Windbreaker, Wildwheel, Hashtag, Strongarm, IDW Bumblebee, Sizzle, NIghtbeat, Bisk, Cybertron Hot Shot, Calcar and so so many more based on the front of the car becoming shoulders/shoulder pads and the placement of the windshield on the back/chest. Trailbreaker and Turbomaster. You can even mix things to get others like the front of the Prowl mold with the rear of the Sideswipe mold to get Overdrive for instance. And that's all without naming all the redecos and new head retools. It's just that throughout the years there's only been so many different ways to turn a rectangular shaped vehicle into a robot shaped form. There's tons of overlap. If you design the figures to be able to pull off the slight differences in transformation from the start then you can easily get a metric shit ton of characters from one base mold. Saving that much money can then open the budget to making sure that every time something in the transformation needed to be changed, it can be done (like door wings vs doors on shoulders for the Prowl vs Cybertron Downshift or doors hidden or doors on shoulder kibble like Punch/Counterpunch vs IDW Bumblebee/Goldfire). This would also free up budget for more characters than NEED to have their own mold. And while I'm here since it's oddly the same thread, it looks like DNA didn't change anything for the Dinoking set. The Grimlock/Goryu chest flaps will pop off the ball pegs. The combiner arms will be different lengths. The combiner arms will have elbows at different spots on the arms. The right elbow won't be tight enough to hold weight for very long and the ball joint just won't tighten no matter what I tried. The feet won't stay pegged in. And most likely the fingers will pop off just like the chest flaps but I'm not sure of this since the hand chunks themselves are new in not the fingers too. Oh and you'll STILL need to keep the stock combiner kibble parts with the figures (except for the right arm). It's great that they put the combiner feet pegs for dino mode storage on their new feet but they didn't included the robot mode pegs under the feet. So you can't use the feet as giant missile pod shields anymore. I mean they show them being used like BOOMboxes but it looks stupid and it barely works. But leaving out those new ankle connections is bad. And still bad are the individual weapons. They didn't even bother trying to change their colors to match the Dinoforce. It's bad enough the weapons are doubled, but it's even worse that the weapons are colored for the Dinobots. AND they didn't even include Swoops's missiles this time around. The new pelvis looks great though. As does the new combiner weapon. I also like that it can become two guns that can be back mounted. But those new heads are amazing. I just wish they all came with new dino heads now.
  10. Okay they fixed the problems with the original Hero Mashers line. ALL the parts are interchangeable like the upper arms/legs. I can't remember which wasn't able to be swapped but it was really annoying for the few I had. It also looks like those are 5mm pegs and ports. The originals weren't. So being cross compatible with actual figures should help a bit. Especially when these go on sale. I can see people picking these up for the weapons then. I'm mildly interested in these. I like that Optimus has boots and gauntlets and it looks like Megatron has the matching jetpack. Maybe another figure at that same price point will have more matching armor parts. The tank tread legs are stupidly awesome. Not digging the Allspark Blue for the joints but that can easily be factored into the lore.
  11. Thank Primus that Devastator doesn't look like the character model. But of course it's quite a bit taller than Menasor. They just can't keep to one scale. I don't like to hate on them but they made one scale and then haven't stuck to it. Either make a scale and stick to it or just make them any size like before. They make one scale, they also make them any size, and finally they make a new scale. Don't do all three things at the same damn time. And say hello to SS86 Megatron like I've been saying all along. Although I can't say for sure as I haven't seen Optimus next to The Fallen yet. I probably could have seen them together had those fucking assholes actually sent me the email link like they have every year previously. Not that it mattered in previous years as the videos were uploaded normally. So of course the one year I don't get the email with the link is the one year I can't just watch the stream normally somewhere. There's very few actual perks to having Pulse Premium other than the free shipping (which should be fucking standard) so it would be great if I could actually use one of the only other perks. This ruined my whole fucking day at work. I was looking forward to this.
  12. SS86 Jazz reissue? Really? Really? Really? They can't be serious can they? Now I know why people got fired. I hope that slide of Jazz brought on boos from whoever was there. Seriously though, no SS figure needs a reissue less than SS86 Jazz. I'm certain he's still on shelves at Walmart from black Friday last year. I'd rather see some Bumblebee reissues over SS86 Jazz. Or you know, maybe just do standard SS Jazz. I don't have one yet and I wasn't buying the SS Autobot 5 pack just for Jazz. I did need Ironhide too at one point but ended up buying that one KO with the upgrade kit KO already installed. There are just so many other deluxe SS figures that could use a reissue more than SS86 Jazz. I'm sure Japan is thrilled as they'll be absolutely bombarded by Jazz between the Dramatic Capture set, the Takara release of the Autobot 5-pack and now a reissue of SS86 Jazz all within a few months time. And none of them are any fucking different other than the 5-pack having opaque plastic windows.
  13. Yet another version of Unicron Trilogy Optimus from this company with an incorrect deco. Is it THAT difficult to get the deco right? At least with this one it's not difficult to fix. Change the silver to gold on the chests and pelvis and then change the legs of base Optimus to a lighter grey. The rest is mostly fine. Their Armada Nemesis had TWO different version to pull from and failed both.
  14. Titan Class Star Optimus Prime? The obvious choice being Star Convoy as nothing else would make sense without really, really stretching it. I just think it would be hilarious if it were Energon Optimus Supreme just to throw everyone off lol. Omega Supreme and Optimus Prime with his trailer and drones. On a side note, I hate some of the names of Optimus super modes. Omega Prime should've been called Ultra Prime (ULTRA Magnus + Optimus PRIME). Optimus Supreme should've been Omega Prime (OMEGA Supreme + Optimus PRIME). And Ultra Prime could've been anything else as it's a standard five team Scramble City style combiner. Commander Silverbolt. No surprise there. G2 Dinobots. This makes far more sense them being the SS86 molds and not the core class molds. Although, the upcoming G2 Grimlock in the retail line kinda throws things off a bit. However one could be blue Grimlock and the other teal. Or they could just not have G2 Grimlock in the fan channel line since it would be released at retail. Walmart Seaspray and Brawn. I have a feeling that these are going to be more reissues. But then what about them being called "Dlx"? Don't Minibots cost about as much as deluxe figures now anyway? And wasn't there some sort of rumor about size classes or something? Like they're trying to consolidate them again. Meaning that things that wouldn't normally be called a deluxe will now be called a deluxe for shelf and price sorting issues for Walmart and Target due to being the same price. So a $35 reissue would be called a voyager and a $55 reissue a leader. This would also mean warrior class will go away and be upped to deluxe as well. Or am I completely misremembering something and talking out my ass. I just could've sworn that there was something recently said about size classes and shelf space. I mean otherwise that would put another "new mold" Minibot in the same shitty situation that Cosmos was in. Although, Warpath, Cosmos and Seaspray should all be retools of each other as they're pretty much the same toy when you think about it. Or rather, they mostly transform the same and have their parts do the same things and come from the same places. They could easily be reshells of each other. But that's neither here nor there and I'll digress. More "Bullseye" Target exclusives. SSGE WFC Optimus, Megatron along with SSGE Devastation? Sideswipe and Wheeljack. Not to keen on any of these molds honestly and assuming that Sideswipe and Wheeljack will be more of the molds we've had for years. While I love to have more of molds that I like and are "good", Siege Sideswipe wasn't the best it could've been especially with how many we've gotten so far. Wheeljack is slightly better but still pretty boring in all honesty. I've already gone on before about my disdain for SSGE WFC Optimus and would much rather have an upsized deluxe from years ago. And that goes double for Megatron. What a letdown that voyager version was. But what would these all be? Red and black redecos? White with black? Something else entirely? We've only gotten one figure so far and that was a black and red G2 Optimus. While I don't have it yet, that red looks to be a beautiful shade and looks great with the black. So at least the other figures would look good. Shame two of them are red normally with one of those two, red and black. People have been speculating again about the upcoming Alpha Trion for next year's main line. They're going back and forth again between Thundertron and Scourge. I swear this one is going to be a Vector Prime retool. Hasbro and/or Funpub seem to flip between the beast and vehicle modes for him. So with ONE Alpha Trion being a beast, Age of the Primes' Alpha Trion would need to be a vehicle. But since the most recent one before ONE was based on Scourge and we have an available Vector Prime mold, I think Age of the Primes Alpha Trion would then use Vector Prime as a base. OTFCC was going to be a beast, Botcon was a vehicle, Botcon again was a beast even though this is technically Cheetor, Million Publishing would've been a vehicle but wasn't released, Takara Legends was a vehicle but does he really count?, Titans Return was a beast...but also a vehicle, Cyberverse was a vehicle, Legacy was a vehicle, ONE was a beast. So okay, it's not every single other one is the opposite but it's close. And since it doesn't get brought up enough, I have a feeling that The Fallen will be a retool of SS86 Megatron. But this will be more clear once we finally see SS86 Megatron. It's just two leader class tank formers that look like Megatron not being partials is going to be weird and a waste of resources. It would be like a leader Straxus not being a retool of a leader Galvatron as they're both non-tank mobile canons. Straxus looks really good by the way. I like him more than Galvatron and Galvatron is one of my favorite overall designs. I can't wait to see what they improve for SS86 Galvatron.
  15. Okay. This is the company that made the female Bumblebee and Lapidarius last year. What's that you say? They made a Cliffjumper and who the hell is Lapidarius? First of all; no, they didn't make a Cliffjumper. They made a red Bumblebee just like Kotobukiya did. If you make a Bumblebee figure in red but don't change the helmet design to match Cliffjumper, you made Red Bumblebee and not Cliffjumper. Especially if you didn't change the vehicle mode like Collection Space. So Lapidarius is what I've come to call Red Bumblebee. Where did I come up with this name you ask? The red-tailed bumblebee, also known as Bombus Lapidarius. Shorten that name up a bit as Bombus is the genus name for bumblebees in general and bam, Lapidarius. If you're asking, and you probably aren't, yellow Cliffjumper is Mesascent. No, Hubcap is NOT yellow Cliffjumper. What? Bumper REALLY isn't yellow Cliffjumper. What the hell? Lol. I clicked post without actually saying what I wanted about the figure. Looks like Bingo Toys Windgirl but if they actually bothered to make the figure not suck and gave her an actual vehicle mode. Out of all the Windblade figures I have that can transform, the Bingo Toys one is the worst. It's literally half a jet with half of a female robot doing a yoga pose. There is not a single thing that even tried to make the legs look like anything other than just bent legs. Nothing to fill the gap in the middle. Nothing to add tailfins and stabilizers in any meaningful way, nothing to blend the front and back of the vehicle mode, nothing to keep the legs in place. Nothing. Okay well you can technically put some of the little swords back there to act as tailfins but they look like tiny swords hanging off the back of what's supposed to be a jet. So again, not in any meaningful way. The arms barely do anything either. They have you fold the arms in such a way that allows you to move the fists into some cavities for them but that's it. SSBB Concept Art Megatron has a more meaningful jet mode and that's saying something as that figure fucking sucks as anything other than a robot.
  16. In a wave comprised entirely of 5 straight reissues and 3 redecos. A wave where one of the 3 "new character" redecos is a troopbuilder. A wave where one of the redecos is the 14th reuse (and counting) of its base mold. A wave where one of the redecos is the 15th reuse (and counting) of its base mold. They couldn't find it in the budget to make sure Armada Wheeljack came with Wind Sheer free of charge. Weren't reissues and redecos supposed to be put in waves to balance the budget out on other figures that might eat up more of said budget? To make it so that other one time only molds or characters that need more paint apps or accessories or are larger be made? That's what they said right? So why wasn't that implemented here? It's an entire wave at all three size classes of nothing but budget savers. I don't like to shit on Hasbro but c'mon man. This is some bullshit.
  17. Intesting. It's not bad looking in any event. The thigh swivels look like they're not going to offer much range. The alt mode looks pretty fun though. Like a good little vehicle to roll around. My expectations were set very low for her toys though. I figured they were waiting so long to show a real toy of her because they were going to be really bad but it turns out that wasn't the case. Wouldn't mind seeing a Prime Changer of her too though. Those Prime Changers were really good and I wish there were more. As is, the PC Optimus was better than the SS version in more than a few ways. And that PC Bumblebee is going to be tough to beat too.
  18. Looking like Geoffrey Prime. I miss Toys R Us...
  19. They're NOT putting the claw arm in that set? I don't think this is worth it then. I own both kits already and don't think they were worth it really as it was. The rib cage pieces outright suck to start. The new shoulders are a bitch to get into place for alt mode. The thighs pieces pop out way too easily. The new head is way too loose on the new neck which doesn't firmly attach to the figure. I had to glue mine on. I tried to tighten their head multiple times and it just won't tighten up. But yeah, the prices for the two separate kits are too high. This single kit for Scourge is still too high. There are equally impressive kits out there for cheaper. There's also several KOs of Scourge that come with kits installed for less. How do I know? I literally own every KO of Scourge and every major upgrade kit for them. I have four distinctly different RotB Scourge figures right now from all of the options. The DNA parts were some of the least impressive of them all while also being the most expensive other than the Hasbro version of the figure itself. And not every figure can even utilize these parts due to the changes between them. Only the Hasbro figure can use this head. One KO has too big a ball peg to use this head. The other two KOs have new heads already installed. That's just for starters but I won't be going further.
  20. That's it? Disappointed! Maybe some white paint on the red parts seen in the lion mode. They should be the undersides of all the pieces if I'm not mistaken so that they don't affect the robot mode. Maybe some gold paint on the red hinges on the arms for the small mane pieces. That would've been the very least other than the new mane and lion head. However I'd pay quite a bit more if they retooled those Primus awful kibble chunks on the robot arms. Those arms and the chest and the way it all converts for lion mode sucks. And those lion leg and shoulder kibble chunks on the robot arms is horrible. There had to be a better way to do all of that, especially on a release that could've cost anything really. I can think of a few better ways actually. None of which would really be crazy either. This figure would be so much better if something was done with all that junk. But no, longer blades in the lion legs to make the bad looking weapons look slightly less bad. I just noticed. They didn't paint the molded in mane on the lion's back plate. You've got to be kidding me.
  21. Hopefully this will mean the toys will be making a comeback and have additional figures. I never got around to getting any outside of the "Lego" Windblade. One of the new characters is a drill tank. They originally only made a small core/legends/scout/basic sized one but it would be great to see a larger one now too.
  22. So I tried to get the four Takara deluxes on Amazon Japan but ended up getting them on Amiami instead and picked up some Christmas presents for my sister and niece. Out of nowhere in her late 40s my sister finally decided to get into anime lol. She LOVES One Piece for some reason but I digress. My dumb ass forgot about the actual Takara deluxe Thrash (warrior Thrash was also sold as deluxe). I rushed the shipment too as it's the beginning of the month instead of "holding" it to the end of the month so I can't add to the order. Now I gotta find another way to pick up my fourth Thrash. Single figure deliveries suck due to not being able to split the shipping price. I would've remembered if they didn't cancel Prowl. Such a stupid move as that would've sold really well. So many people were looking forward to that one. I mean, it's not like they cancelled the line entirely or weren't willing to keep doing their own thing either as seen with Elita and Hashtag. But yeah, thanks to our old pal Chuck for reminding me about those figures with his videos the past few weeks. Completely forgot about them or rather, I thought they were coming out later. Would've been mad if I couldn't get them especially since the Hasbro versions will look different for Jawbreaker, Aftermath and especially Hashtag. I just wish their Eltia looked even more different as really only the arms and a little bit of paintwork are different from the Hasbro version which I already have. It would've been nice to have seen ALL the windows painted or something. Different color plastics or paints. Just anything more than headlights and insignias.
  23. I just got Alpha Trion, Optimus, Sentinel, SS Optimus and Deployer Megatron today along with Shard (finally) and Vector Prime. Oh and also finally, Earthspark Grimlock. Now I can finish Mandroid. Man SS Optimus kinda sucks. The "warrior" class deluxe one is really good comparatively as a Transformer. Sure the SS figure is quite a bit larger but it doesn't have quite the same charm as the smaller version. Cleaner alt mode. Cleaner robot mode. Does have that stupidly designed "diaper". Better weapon integration. Better colors. Better arms. Better Matrix. Worse Matrix chamber though. And it doesn't have ankles or seperate feet in general. Alpha Trion is pretty cool too. I wouldn't mind Beast Machines and Universe Snarl retools from this but we know that's not going to happen. I wish they changed the arms and the weapon for Deployer Megatron though. And Maybe have done the Minicon up as Laserbeak or something. Wingthing might be more appropriate for the mold though. Given that he was a little gargoyle looking thing and not a bat originally. Overload wasn't a bad figure back in the day. I actually kept it but sold off Drift, Blizzard Drift and Fracture after taking their Minicons. I have both versions of Crazybolt too. Speaking of, I'd love to see some redecos of that mold. I don't know how it would play into the film but I don't care. It was such a unique mold that barely anyone got to own. Grimlock is okay. It was before in Cyberverse and is again in Earthspark. Retooled parts don't change much but the overall look. I now understand why Shard is so popular though. The Armorizors still suck for the gimmick they're named after but as a stand alone figure ignoring the gimmick, she's really cool. The colors really pop too. I trimmed the key tabs off the sword handles so she could wield the swords normally. I wish there was a way to kinda use the booster things as replacement hands. They so look like that's what they want to do but there's no way to do it which is a shame. I look forward to getting more now. Vector Prime was very floppy. But now that I think about it, so was Jhiaxus when I first got him. Had to tighten those joints up with some water based polyurethane (Kiki) real quick. Not really a fan of the wing armatures but that's about it. Couldn't care less about the details on the fronts of the shins left over from Jhiaxus. I do want something to put into the little ankle wing holders though. There's options coming out for those though along with a bunch of other things for him. But none of those have anything to do with the most recent Amazon listings leak. But this last one does. Sentinel Prime is really good. They even put in ankle pivots when they didn't need to. He's a triple homage. He's a cross between Combiner Wars Skydive in robot mode with FoC Blastoff in vehicle mode with a touch of FoC Air Raid/FIreflight with the shield thing. But once I transformed him I was reminded of what I'd like to see for Windblade toys moving forward. The way the arms turn into the front of the vehicle is what Windblade should be doing. With her shoulder pads becoming the intakes on the sides of the cockpit. They don't even need to have the nosecone flip behind the hands like on Sentinel and they can fold them away on a small bit of cockpit kibble to store in the chest cavity left by moving the head out of the chest for robot mode. That would make her super clean. The legs are no longer the issue for Windblade as there's like four or five good ways they've already found to handle them and the rear of the vehicle. It's the front of the vehicle and the arms and back kibble they still need to work on. Sentinel maintains the slim arms that can still work for Windblade despite them becoming the front of the jet. It's just Sentinel is how I envision Windblade transforming to almost eliminate the kibble in both of her modes. I just don't understand HasTak designers at times. These had to have been developed around the same time too. I wonder if they picked up on this themselves. Regardless, I'm looking forward to a voyager Sentinel Prime. That's it. That's all I really had to say about these new Studio Series Amazon leaks lol. Now to open my box from Sugargirl on Ebay and put some upgrades on my figures. Oh and I seen Wolverine and Deadpool today as well. I think they lost a bit of what made the first two movies decent. This one was just lacking the charm or heart the other two previous Deadpool movies had. Cameos and references are great and all but almost all of them went nowhere or weren't given enough time. Shame really. I wanted Wolverine, when discussing his past, to at least mention Jubilee, Rogue or Kitty. You know, the three of his wards. He only talked about Cyclops, Jean and Storm. You'd think he'd have more to say about the younger members than the older ones, even Jean. Especially given who he was talking to at the time. And Primus, the fucking endless quips. I get that this is Deadpool now and really how shows are made these past two decades but fuck, just speak like normal people for longer than a sentence or two please. And not a single person even thought anything strange of what he was even saying when he'd mention things nobody should know about or when he obviously broke the fourth wall. But at the same time, they didn't completely ignore him as if in a trance like Negasonic and Piotr did in the first two movies. They were acknowledging him while he was doing his shit. More in a following what he said and did kind of way and not a got involved kind of way but still. It's subtle but it was throwing me off. The other characters shouldn't be doing that if they're not another Deadpool or even She-Hulk. Or they should be like: Wade, what the fuck are you doing/saying? If you've managed to avoid spoilers, there are some neat surprises that were only really speculated on but not confirmed. So that could mean anything/one as there was a ton of speculation. Last but not least I had FIrehouse Subs after the movie and my run to Target. Their honey ham is so delicious. I love going there. No homemade brownies today but oh well. Didn't see any PotP Evolution Optimus Primes on shelves at Target but I already have him, Nemesis and Star Convoy. Maybe if they change the shade of red or gave him the Star Convoy cab instead of the Orion Pax cab maybe. But then that would've defeated the purpose. I mean they're reissuing him to coincide with ONE right? Orion Pax to Optimus Prime. That's why they're reissuing this now out of the blue like this right?
  24. Lol wut? I thought Hook and Long Haul were being sold together as a commander and Scavenger and Bonecrusher as deluxes? So how are the all also separate releases as voyagers? Unless they're breaking up the commander two pack and moving some of the combiner kibble into the deluxes to move the four of them to voyagers. But ultimately I hope that's not what it's going to look like. The animation model I mean. I will straight up stop buying figures if they start making them look like the G1 animation models. I don't say that lightly either. I have more than enough other options to choose from that I don't need to get toys that are actively trying to look like shit. I grew up with and love the G1 cartoon as much as anyone else around my age. But I don't want toys that look like that. No thank you. There's a reason why I have negative interest in current G1 MP figures. SS86 Optimus is bad enough trying to emulate the cartoon model but it still has some CHUG influences. If they go ANY further than that then I'll be saving a ton of money from that point onward by skipping SS86. While it's not great, I have the undersized KO of CW Devastator to mostly scale with the other combiners as well as my UW Devastator.
  25. Optimus, Jetfire AND the triplets? That's an odd three pack. Or is it a five pack? Words cannot describe the mild annoyance of having purchased those damn Reactivate two packs only to find out they will indeed be releasing them without the stupid asymmetrical paintwork. While I didn't pay full price for them, it's really obnoxious. I couldn't care less about Bumblebee and Soundwave and Prime I don't think I have any issues with but Starscream looked really bad. That would be the only one I would consider getting in a clean paint scheme but only when it goes on sale as I don't expect these to sell well as there's probably more people angrier than I am about this due to them having paid full price. So expect them to shelfwarm just as much as the two packs did on digital shelves. I have that concept art rumble and well, it's not good. I liked Ravage though. But now here's Frenzy. I'll get it at some point. It's not that bad all things considered, it's just not good. Core BB Starscream though looks amazing. I hope they continue with core figures going on as I'd want all the redecos. Maybe as multipacks? Two as a deluxe with a few extras. Three as a voyager with a bunch of extras. It would be a good way to get some extra weapons out there without making full on weapons packs. I could go for some weapons packs if they made them kinda like the weapons from the Omnicons and Terrorcons from Energon. Are we sure that's Megatron and not Megaempress? Because that Megatron has legs for days. Looking like a fusion between Megatron and Tsareena from Pokemon. But that tank mode is amazing looking. WFC/FoC Ratchet looks incredible. Yes please. Even the weapon arm integration looks really good this time on this one. Kup looks like one of the cleanest GI Joe Transformers yet. Shame they didn't try to do something with those tread pieces on the back. LIke turn them into a flight pack or something. Can't wait to get that on sale like the rest of them. Maybe if there was an option to not have the figures with them more people would buy them at full price. I loveD GI Joes. As in past tense. I'm not into them anymore. So this is just a Transformer for me and I don't want to pay for the two figures with it. Even for Baroness, Zartan and Sgt. Slaughter. I'm kinda glad that they're waiting on doing Optimus because they're getting better at this. Shame about Megatron though. Just needed a little more design knowledge to shrink that backpack down a bit more. Should've handed the design process to Takara. Already spoke about the Legacy figures and Dinoking. New to the list is that rumored repack of Origins Bumblebee though. Is it weird that I still want to see that mold retooled into Cosmos if only to be used for a new Pathfinder that looks more like her original look. It should still be different enough from the original design to keep Bandai lawyers away. She'd go great with Crasher at that point. So uh that Kitt. I know it's a new mold but I can't help but think I've seen it somewhere before. I mean sure it looks like Prowl but damn does that thing look almost exactly like Universe 2.0 Prowl twisted at the waist to be more specific. Maybe this will be the basis for that rumored SS86 Prowl? But at the same time, the lower legs look almost exactly like Siege Sideswipe's. It's like it took the top from Prowl and the bottom from Sideswipe. Kind like this idea I've had in my head for a while now. Where similarly sized figures use the same inner framework and then change out things needed to make the different alt modes (Prowl, Jazz, Skids and Hound or Sideswipe and Mirage or Wheeljack, Tracks and Sunstreaker for instance as they all pretty much transform the same way). That way you can mix and match certain aspects to make new figures. This combination in particular was what I was thinking for a new Overdrive. Prowl top with Sideswipe bottom. But then again, most of us thought Autobot JP-93 was going to be the base for Skids and that didn't happen. So maybe this is just a one off design and won't be used in the mainline despite what it looks like. I mean, Code Red was its own design too despite people swearing that it was a Siege Ironhide retool. I didn't see it but others wouldn't shut up about it pointing out details that 100% confirmed that it wasn't Siege Ironhide saying that it was.
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