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Posts posted by NeloDiavolo
Last four Botcon figs to go with breakdown came today! Clench, Skybyte, Streetstar, and Spark! My first Botcon set has been aquired! :yay
Lol, theres the rest of 'em ^
Haha, well to be honest, these figs are worth buying in bulk. I want a second set to display in Robot modes.
My SDCC Alt Nemesis Prime showed up today. Can't get enough Nemesis! :con
My first Botcon figure arrived today! Botcon 2010 Breakdown! :love I want to piece together the rest of the set.
Hey transfan, only ONE Crossfire 2 set? I don't believe that! :P
Bruticus Crossfire set came in today. I stayed up WAY to late playing with it. :P
My BBTS Piranacon came today! This thing looks way better in person. Everything was assembled correctly, and other than two crooked fraction symbols, the stickers were well applied. Lucky! :P Flamboyant colors, huge chrome sword, Targetmasters, what else do you want in a gestalt?! :D
You guys are silly! Transfan is not human. In reality, "he" is a super computer from the future. Do not question the Transfan's dedication to "post your haul" or "what I bought today" threads. Transfan's logic surely surpasses our human minds...we simply cannot comprehend binary in such a raw form.
Oh and I received Encore Eject and Rewind (Rewind for my SDCC Blaster!) today. Whoot! :P
Happy birthday TransFan2!
I picked up Encore Ratchet and Ironhide from a fellow collector, these guys are super cool. I'd forgotten what a fun quirky mold this is. The cardboard heads really help, I'm looking for the replacement head kit. Also found a link to some great mods.
Nooooooo! I missed TFans Birthday?! Happy belated Birthday! You must be a hard person to shop for! :rofl
Received a Music Label Sound Blaster from HnH yesterday! Very cool bot mode. Now to load a SD card with Transformers The Movie Soundtrack! :party
Finally, after a long preorder wait, I received my Crazy Devy legs for my Devastator! Put all the pieces together and he looks devastating! :con
I just received my BW2 Gigastorm! This things is badass! I just need to buy batteries to make my cat freak out... :rofl
Anyone want to sell me their Megastorm? :D
Picked up HA Jazz at Target. Bought a few extra for trading! Used a gift card so it was freeeeeeee! :beer
SDCC Blaster is mine! I really dig the prism outer packaging. :awsum
Received my Sixshot reissue in the mail today. This thing is MINT and was never taken out of the plastic bubble! He is free now and will become my new best friend! :bounce
I smelled the box..its intoxicating foam goodness... :woot
Call me weird, but I like doing that with my videogame manuals. A tradition I started back on my SNES and Genesis games back in the early nineties. LOL! :lol
Well at least we can be weird together! I used to like the smell of new comic books and comic cards back in my youngin' days. I fancy new electronics as well. *eyes new 360 slim* :ghey
Thanks for the heads up Sami! I went home for lunch and found my Pair of P/CP waiting for me! One for each bot :bot :con
I smelled the box..its intoxicating foam goodness... :woot
Drove to the next TRU near me in Santa Cruz, CA. They had all the new goodies in stock. Picked up:
Leader Starscream
Generations Optimus, Drift, Bumblebee, and Thrust.
PCC Combaticons
Legends Ravage
Now to open them and figure out where to put them. :tflaugh
1) Where IS the TRU in Santa Cruz? I thought it was off of 41st in Capitola but I think I'm wrong?
2) I'm always going to The Cruz... should meet sometime :P
Yes you are right, it is in Capitola! I just forgot because Its pretty close to Santa Cruz. No way those Santa Cruz residents would let a big Toy corporation move into their neck of the woods. :tflaugh
Oh yea we could hang out man, I live in Monterey. I'm kind of crazy though! :beer
Drove to the next TRU near me in Santa Cruz, CA. They had all the new goodies in stock. Picked up:
Leader Starscream
Generations Optimus, Drift, Bumblebee, and Thrust.
PCC Combaticons
Legends Ravage
Now to open them and figure out where to put them. :tflaugh
Hunt For The Decepticons Deluxe class Ironhide and Jetblade (Dirge repaint)
Power Core Combiners Huffer/Caliburst, Searchlight/Backwind and Smolder/Chopster
Power Core Combiner Teams Combaticons w/Bombshock and Aerialbots w/Skyburst
Generations Drift and Thrust
And all for "Buy One Get One 50% Off" at TRU" :yay
Nice haul Blitz-wing! Too bad my TRU only has a wall of Tuner Mudflaps! :wat
Received my reissue Purple Galvatron. Comes with swingin' gangsta Matrix chain! :tfdance
i have been playing the xbox version non stop
Nice! I have been hearing nothing but good things from this game, especially for us die-hard Transformer fans. They did a lot of fan service for this game. YAY! :yay
WFC awesomeness can be summed up in one word....Soundwave! :con ALL HAIL MEGATRON!
I got War For Cybertron. :D
Me too! Just getting off work and ready to pop it in! Feel free to add my 360 gamertag. Same username here. :con Co-op multiplayer should be cool! YES IM YELLING A LOT! :khaaan
Received my Jaguar Alt Ravage from a trade. Pretty cool jaaaaaaaaag mode.
Nice catch FTcsap! Really like that ravage the more I see it. Too bad nothing around here has them.
Dion came in yesterday! My first TCC exclusive! :tfdance
Post your hauls and purchaces here. Pics welcome.
in Toys
Came back from Vacation to find Generatins Dirge and Blur as well as Crazy Devy Waist pieces. I really am digging Dirge!