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Status Updates posted by TMan978

  1. Imagine if modern movies we're like old movies and showed all the credits before the movie started

  2. 10 ppl are going to tag this to me. I might as well post it first.

  3. This guy at Wendys always tries to trick me. He always ask, "what size meal do you want, medium or large?"Never once mentioning small. Which is the price advertise on the menus

  4. You have a random conceited moment and a full-body mirror @ Target?

  5. Donta Thompson Tawanda Murray

  6. Thus lady on Family Feud named, "Ysha". That's not confusing.

  7. Latest Megatron

  8. So apparently, my mom encountered the Bunny Man this morning. A guy was ass naked casually walking the street.

  9. Evidently, the freaks don't only come out at night.

  10. Is that Natalie from Facts of Life on The Walking Dead

  11. Tbt toy from 14 years ago.

  12. Toy Jefferson her you go. Another crazy video.

  13. Facebook! I watched a video and when I went to comment on it my screen refreshed and it disappeared! I hate that

  14. This was brand new in the store has never been more than 199.99. What are you trying to sell it for $1000

  15. Hello Everyone! For anyone who doesn't know, TMan has a YouTube channel. I mostly review toys or Nintendo related stuff there. So if that interest you or you have a kid or friend who would be interested, click on or share this link and SUBSCRIBE. Thank you and have a nice day!https://www.youtube.com/user/TMAN1978/videos

  16. Me opening this Club Nintendo Reward

  17. FYI Radio Shack is going out of business. Everything is 30 to 50 percent off and the batteries are even cheaper than that. They're practically free

  18. Newton's law: I'm on the bus with 5 mins to get to the train station. The train station is 2 mins away. Naturally, a guy in a wheelchair takes 5 mins to get on the bus stuck in the snow. Yay.

  19. This is funny as hell

  20. Lark Voorhees from Saved by the Bell. I looked her up after seeing her in Dru Hill's "These are the Times" video and.....wtf?!

  21. I forgot how funny Billy and Mandy is

  22. Check out my video

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