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Status Updates posted by TMan978

  1. My latest review I have Cyclonus done as well but I need to edit it. Gonna be a while.

  2. If you know the people involved in this, please report it! My mind is gonna be messed up all day.

  3. Here's a quick overview of my Sigma 6 figure Collection.

  4. This is so weird

  5. These dudes are nuts

  6. I would be late for work every morning watching the news. This blows Gabrielle Abriera out of the water when she was on.

  7. Brandon Bee I'm a year younger! Ha!

  8. Watch my video. It's Friday, you're off and you don't have s*** else to do. And don't forget to click the Like button while you're there. Even if you don't watch it, at least click the link and then click the Like button for me. That would be awesome too.

  9. They have so many funny videos!

  10. #JazzJune is over with this final CHILL REVIEW I'm doing on Jazz for now. #TRANSFORMERS ENJOY

  11. I guess that's my great granddaughter

  12. TMan&TheBean CHILL REVIEW

  13. This has had me crying all day. It's old by the way

  14. Check out Tpindell Tres

  15. NykelFinch Nyeem Finch

  16. I've owned this beautiful figure set for a while. Someone should see it. #FF7 #CloudStrife

  17. #Transformers #JazzJune continues. Click!Enjoy

  18. Holy crap. Donta Thompson

  19. Holy shit. If you don't own a Wii U, sucks to be U!

  20. Did you find em?! No. Take a look here. #Pokémon #amiibo #Greninja

  21. Left the room and


  23. What in the living F@$k!? Those look like American kids.

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