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Everything posted by TMan978

  1. Part the The Transformers 40th anniversary, Transformers: Animated Optimus Prime get a new Voyager Class figure that blends the Animated style with today design aesthetic.
  2. I found this at family Dollar y'all.
  3. You know him. You hate his complaining. Here is Fans Toys version of the Transformers Generation 1 Autobot Gears. In this video I show how to transform Fans Toys FT-56 Variator to truck mode and back to robot mode again.
  4. Here's Swoop in his core class form. Part of Volcanicus
  5. Here's my first review of any Transformers Rise Of The Beast merchandise.
  6. Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. 

    1. BaCon


      What no BaCon? Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us.

  7. TMan978's HOW TO Transform MS Light of Peace to Truck and Robot Mode
  8. Here is my video review and transformation video.
  9. Check out this Stylized version of the Autobot Windblade.
  10. Let's take a look at Fans Toys version of a Transformers Masterpiece Autobot Mirage.
  11. Finally! Popular third party transforming action figure company Fans Toys takes a crack at one of the most popular Autobots ever, Jazz. Did they do a good job? Find out by watching.
  12. This is Fans Toys version of a cartoon accurate Transformers Masterpiece Autobot Hoist.
  13. Here is the second of the new Transformers MPG line to be released and here are my thoughts in great detail.
  14. Let's check out this FansToys version of the G1 Autobot Outback.
  15. Here is the leader of the Trainbots that become the combiner Raiden from the Japanese exclusive series Transformers Headmasters.
  16. Here is the first component for Fans Toys colossal Titan action figure. Once all components are released, you will be able to form Transformers Masterpiece scale Fortress Maximus.
  17. let's take a look at this Transformers Masterpiece scale Blaster figure.
  18. The first new combiner figure in a long time.
  19. The full title of this figure is Target exclusive Transformers Generations Transformers Legacy Buzzworthy Bumblebee Deluxe Class Autobot Silverstreak.
  20. If I bought this, I think I would go seek help for my spending addiction
  21. Here's the Walmart exclusive Transformers R.E.D. Robot Enhance Design Transformers Prime Decepticon Knock Out. ( Knockout )
  22. Fans Toys FT-51 Chomp 3rd Party Skullcruncher CHILL REVIEW TMan978's How To Transform Fans Toys Chomp to Crocodile Mode and Robot Mode
  23. Here's my second Fans Hobby Head Master Jr video review.
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