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Everything posted by jeffafa

  1. Am I crazy or did the price of the DMK Prime go up from $120 to $140?

  2. I am really jealous. Those are brutiful. Brutiful.
  3. Where is everyone???

  4. Why isnt there an option for the poll on the main page of "I dont have HUB and cant watch Prime"

    1. hthrun


      I've been watching on YouTube...

    2. PuertoRiCON


      I've been downloading 720HD TVrips....


  5. lmao love ur mspaint work! Cheers dude. :) I'm too 'tarded to use anything above MSPaint :P :P Here's another one: Is that all those pics are done with? I thought for sure it was some complicated program. I might give that a try now... Dont you worry about the sunlight hitting your toys? I dont put anything near a window (even indirect sunlight) for fear of yellowing.
  6. How are the cats? I keep telling myself I wont buy them, but I know when I see them I will.
  7. That... is a thing of beauty
  8. What has this world come to when Bert and Ernie's "wedding" is news???

    1. Tripredacus


      Next Starscream will have to marry Megatron.

  9. Megatron stole Primes trailer
  10. I am thinking about selling my Marvel Universe 3 3/4 collection

    1. Ardenrobo


      I'm looking for 5-10 if you do.

    2. jeffafa


      My problem is, I have 40 or 50 of them, and if I get rid of them I want to sell them all in a lot. Instead of selling 5-10 and being stuck with the rest and regretting getting rid of a few.

  11. Did they have the classics Lion-O and Tygra, or just the new toys?
  12. The minute the PE-11 Reflector goes on clearance I am going to buy it.

  13. Ultimate Prime - the combined mode is useless. The box shows him like this I like him better like this The BFG he carries is kind of silly too The regular mode without the trailer is OK, but alt mode with the trailer makes up for everything here. I cant believe how great a figure Cyberverse Hatchet is. The amount of detail on what is basically a scout is amazing.
  14. The last weeks worth of hauls.
  15. What exactly is that? A Starscream big enough to hold a GI Joe guy? I wasn't even aware of it until I saw it start popping up on Ebay. Better than MP Starscream? By no means better than MP SS. Its just a repaint of the GI Joe Skystriker, with Starscream style stickers. A great novelty piece merging TFs and GI Joe, but it doesnt transform. Honestly, the best part is the GI Joe scaled Megatron gun. The jet is just too big to display in any way other than hanging from the ceiling. If you were not able to get this from HTS for regular price, I DO NOT recommend paying ebay scalper price for this - its just not worth more than $50. Hell, its really not worth $50
  16. HAha! Zap Branigan! Your killing me smalls.
  17. This is turning out to be one of the best weeks Ive had in a while. SDCC Starscream and Prime Prime arrived this week, I am expecting a Trypticon battery cover from ebay soon, and while I was here getting psyched up for my trip to TRU tomorrow on the hunt for MP Rodimus (which I was mentally prepared for a disappointment) my dad calls and tells me he found an MP Rodimus in a TRU in FL. Still going to TRU tomorrow though...
  18. Well, its not the cat (he was being uncooperative) but this is a good shot.
  19. Patiently waiting for SDCC Prime Prime to arrive...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparkless
    3. StarLurker


      Lol. I need to see pics of that.

    4. jeffafa


      I drew some odd looks at the office and was practically forced to take it off. There is a pic of my dog wearing it on the action pose thread though

  20. HTS took FOREVER to ship my Prime Prime. I hope he gets here today. I am going to start taking pics of my TFs next to my cat now. See what you started? lol
  21. I wanted to share my disappointment with the SDCC Starscream. It is really only about the stickers. There are no real way to line them up and almost impossible to get them perfect. It started great when opening him up. A few neat pack ins were very encouraging. The Cobra Commander figure is great, and the Megatron gun is awesome. The Jet itself, while not a true Starscream looks great, but I had to take a lot of liberty with the stickers. Here is a shot compared to the regular release Skystriker, which I had a ton of problems with its stickers as well. The best nod to nostalgia is the D-22 stickers.
  22. SDCC Starscream!!! I put him next to Trypticon for a comparison so you can see just how big the box is.
  23. SDCC Starscream arrived!!!

  24. From BBTS today: GI Goe Sky Striker - the normal version, not Starscream Marvel Select Hulk - HUGE figure Marvel Universe Avengers three pack - five pack if you count Antman and Wasp. The Hulk in that pack is wearing some daisy dukes. I am going to call him Hot-Pants Hulk!
  25. good question ill find out! more images to tide u over My God! My MP Optimus and Rodimus are on different shelves and I never really compared the two side by side. Rodimus is tiny!
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