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Everything posted by jeffafa

  1. Really looking forward to Arkahm City

  2. Why is Encore Bruticus so expensive on ebay? Didnt it have mold issues?

    1. robo_rob


      Considering the sheer amount of reissues that mold had had, official or non, I'm really suprised it's fetching more than cost.

  3. I bought a NECA Robocop fig today at TRU. I saw the bogo on TFs but the didnt have any TFs I wanted :tfsad
  4. It sucks that the post office is closed today. I have at least one ebay purchase waiting for me there.

    1. StarLurker


      Is why I love having a PO Box. You can get your stuff after-hours. :D

  5. Help! Someone talk me out of paying $75 for Frenzy and Rumble.

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Don't do it! It's a trap!

    2. MikePrime


      $75 for Frenzy and Rumble. I think that's all you need to talk yourself of buying the set.

    3. puma


      save that for Hercules!!!

  6. I brought Hatchet and Guzzle with me to work again - I still cant believe how much I love these two. Pew pew all over my desktop.

  7. There I was, wondering what the next Encore reissue would be...

    1. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      Hopefully the ones after these are ones not reissued previously


  8. Stupid "blaze orange" plug.....

  9. Going to TRU tomorrow. Anyone need anything? lol

  10. I have started catching up on the CHUG figs I missed out on. Got Universe Hound from ebay today. One down, a crapload to go!
  11. Is the TRNS-01 - Valkyrie (Arcee) from Impossible Toys worth $55?

  12. Did everyone get their Revoltech Prime today? lol "Thats not a knife" "Now thats a knife!" Kreo Prime needed a better gun
  13. I got Revoltech Prime and Encore 19 from BBTS today. I dont know why I procrastinated so long on the encore tape sets, but I will catch up eventually.
  14. Dude, you are a review machine! lol Good stuff.

    Where are you from? I cant place your accent.

  15. Pew Pew Pew!

    1. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      Playing with Classic's Megatron?

    2. StarLurker


      Sounds more like... Shockwave or Sixshot?

  16. Revoltech Prime is in stock at BBTS - SHIP MY LOOT NOW!!!

  17. I just saw a few new pics of MP 10 - there is no way that thing is going to be worth $250

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. puma


      i just cancelled my preorder. hoping to get it on sale.

    3. hthrun


      Agreed. I think I'd prefer MP01 even if they were both the same price.

    4. puma


      I still want MP-10 but i think i'll wait for the first price drop....hopefully.

  18. Airport security does things to you that they should be ashamed of themselves for.

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Yeah, I get to experience that Sunday... yay

    2. Sparkless


      I'm off to the UK on the 24th, I always hate goin to airports...

  19. I fear that Real Steel will have more bots in it than DOTM did.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Markusius


      That just looks like a fun movie.

    3. Markusius


      That just looks like a fun movie.

    4. JT-Prime


      Real Steel...think Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots but on a UFC scale

  20. I havent bought a new bot in a while. Going through withdrawals.

  21. Finally! Back to football!

    1. StarLurker


      football >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> baseball > basketball


      Not that I watch that much of any of them. :P

  22. As mush as I tried, I couldn't come up with a good action pose for this guy!
  23. I got Guzzle the other day. Fun little bot. Kind of makes me wonder why cyberverse figs have more detail on them than voyagers??? I got my Classics Loin-O yesterday! Awesome fig. The box said 18 points of articulation but I counted around 30. I guess they dont count the double pins in the knees or feet. His sword is a little flimsy though, but great all around.
  24. MP-9 still on sale for $149. Really makes me want to hold off on MP-10 for a sale. Anyone got their crystal ball handy?

    1. Sparkless


      I'm waiting with MP-10 for a Hasbro release. I bet he'll the th same price as Ultimate prime when it hits US retail

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