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Status Updates posted by jeffafa

  1. There I was, wondering what the next Encore reissue would be...

    1. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      Hopefully the ones after these are ones not reissued previously


  2. Stupid "blaze orange" plug.....

  3. Going to TRU tomorrow. Anyone need anything? lol

  4. Is the TRNS-01 - Valkyrie (Arcee) from Impossible Toys worth $55?

  5. Dude, you are a review machine! lol Good stuff.

    Where are you from? I cant place your accent.

  6. Pew Pew Pew!

    1. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      Playing with Classic's Megatron?

    2. StarLurker


      Sounds more like... Shockwave or Sixshot?

  7. Revoltech Prime is in stock at BBTS - SHIP MY LOOT NOW!!!

  8. I just saw a few new pics of MP 10 - there is no way that thing is going to be worth $250

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. puma


      i just cancelled my preorder. hoping to get it on sale.

    3. hthrun


      Agreed. I think I'd prefer MP01 even if they were both the same price.

    4. puma


      I still want MP-10 but i think i'll wait for the first price drop....hopefully.

  9. Airport security does things to you that they should be ashamed of themselves for.

    1. Blitz-Wing


      Yeah, I get to experience that Sunday... yay

    2. Sparkless


      I'm off to the UK on the 24th, I always hate goin to airports...

  10. I fear that Real Steel will have more bots in it than DOTM did.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Markusius


      That just looks like a fun movie.

    3. Markusius


      That just looks like a fun movie.

    4. JT-Prime


      Real Steel...think Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots but on a UFC scale

  11. I havent bought a new bot in a while. Going through withdrawals.

  12. Finally! Back to football!

    1. StarLurker


      football >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> baseball > basketball


      Not that I watch that much of any of them. :P

  13. MP-9 still on sale for $149. Really makes me want to hold off on MP-10 for a sale. Anyone got their crystal ball handy?

    1. Sparkless


      I'm waiting with MP-10 for a Hasbro release. I bet he'll the th same price as Ultimate prime when it hits US retail

  14. Am I crazy or did the price of the DMK Prime go up from $120 to $140?

  15. Where is everyone???

  16. Why isnt there an option for the poll on the main page of "I dont have HUB and cant watch Prime"

    1. hthrun


      I've been watching on YouTube...

    2. PuertoRiCON


      I've been downloading 720HD TVrips....


  17. What has this world come to when Bert and Ernie's "wedding" is news???

    1. Tripredacus


      Next Starscream will have to marry Megatron.

  18. I am thinking about selling my Marvel Universe 3 3/4 collection

    1. Ardenrobo


      I'm looking for 5-10 if you do.

    2. jeffafa


      My problem is, I have 40 or 50 of them, and if I get rid of them I want to sell them all in a lot. Instead of selling 5-10 and being stuck with the rest and regretting getting rid of a few.

  19. The minute the PE-11 Reflector goes on clearance I am going to buy it.

  20. Patiently waiting for SDCC Prime Prime to arrive...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparkless
    3. StarLurker


      Lol. I need to see pics of that.

    4. jeffafa


      I drew some odd looks at the office and was practically forced to take it off. There is a pic of my dog wearing it on the action pose thread though

  21. SDCC Starscream arrived!!!

  22. SDCC Starscream shipped!

  23. Every time I ship my pile of loot, something else comes in stock the day after.

    1. JT-Prime


      i know exactly how you feel. That happened to me last week when I had my PoL shipped with a couple Masterpiece figs, and my Jetwing Prime arrived in stock.

    2. puma


      i'm waiting for MP10 to get in stock to ship my pile of loot.

    3. Dark_Supreme_Jetfire


      I'm waiting on FP Insecticon's

  24. I am so broke after this mornings HTS fiasco!!!

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