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Everything posted by jeffafa

  1. That was a fun read!
  2. Not much of a haul, but I picked up a dollar general legends starscream with the additional ”null rays" That one is a fun one, considering the null rays were missing from the original release
  3. I just got around to "playing" with mine last night too. I have no real complaints with him, but I still prefer MP1.
  4. Rise of Galvatron is "trending" on Yahoo right now!

    1. puma


      not seeing it...

    2. jeffafa


      Its still there. Yahoo.com - upper right corner - "Trending Now" section. Its number 6 right now.

    3. Blitz-Wing


      Fake trailer FTL

  5. MP Sideswipe arrived yesterday :yay Cant wait for the upcoming MP goodness heading our way in the next few months!
  6. I am soo glad to hear that. Mine is on the UPS truck out for delivery and I (havent been able to watch any video reviews) have been really worried that I was going to be disappointed when I open him up.
  7. Absolutely freaking out over the latest pic of MP Soundwave!!!!

    1. puma


      I know! So awesome!

  8. Where is Sideswipe? I am getting antsy already!

    1. puma


      which one??? MP or FoC?? either way, still in sealed cases in China...

    2. jeffafa


      Wow. Hadnt been keeping up with FOC - didnt know he was coming

      MP though, I see RK lists as shipping on the 27th. Cant wait.

    3. Sparkless


      Yeah, 27th is earliest I've seen for shipment of SS


  9. Sure seems like hasbro is striking out at NYCC so far...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord_Onslaught


      It's a No Hitter,

    3. jeffafa


      I had my fingers crossed. I guess all the MP and Encore news had me spoiled and expecting more good news. Shoulda known

    4. Markusius


      yeah, and a Predaking that doesn't combine.

  10. Is it too soon to start clearing shelf space for Encore FM?

  11. Really want to talk about Fort Max! Where is the thread??

    1. Lord_Onslaught


      Ok started one for you in the News Forum

      I'm just glad he is returning to attainable status

  12. I wish I couls afford all of the Hot Toys 1/6th scale Avengers figures.

  13. Dude! :love
  14. Got my SDCC Shockwave Hiss Tank from the HTS restock yesterday. I am loving this thing! :yay
  15. Want... to... go... home!!!


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lord_Onslaught


      And I'm in the middle of moving so even now woudl not be a good time to buy him and hope he gets sent to the right address LOL

    3. puma


      haha. You could have sent him to me!

    4. Lord_Onslaught


      heh, yeah if I had the money to splurge on many of him

  17. lol There are at least two so far
  18. This day could not end soon enough

    1. Blitz-Wing


      It needs to end sooner than that

  19. I wish I would have counted how many times I hit F5 yesterday. Thinking about replacing my keyboard this morning, just in case.

    1. puma


      haha. you and me both.

    2. Shadowpanther


      I've been hitting the refresh button,on the top of every hour. I think the HTS site calculates the west coast into the time equation. so if the hts site opens up at 8 am on the west coast. it'll be 11am on the east coast.

    3. puma


      i don't know if you guys have saved your CC info to your accounts or not, but those few seconds can be vital. I just added mine to my account. Just a tip. Good luck guys.

  20. Encore Devs Vs crappy KO Devs with CrazyDevy add ons
  21. That is nice! Is it just me or is Giant more detailed than Hercules? Are you getting the Green Giant? That pic would be so nice it would make me angry. And really jealous...
  22. Will someone please give me their "extra" gun for Full Tilt? Its just a tiny little piece, not worth much...

  23. Please stop calling 3rd party stuff "Not-(name)"

  24. Am I the only one who doesnt care about Arms Micron?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Breaker


      Hate 'em myself. Give me Targetmasters any day.

    3. bugstomper1973


      Yeah I'm with Breaker on this one. Just give me straight up Target Masters and Head Masters for that matter!

    4. Lord_Onslaught


      In a way I'm actually hoping that after Takara releases Breakdown, Breakdown comes back on the show as a Headmaster with Silas as his head. That would be awesome and force Hasbro to give us a Leader Breakdown with Silas. Or Headrobots makes a Silas Headmaster for Breakdown

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