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Liege Evilmus

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About Liege Evilmus

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Transformers, Bladed Weapons, lots of things realy.

Previous Fields

  • Country
    United States
  • Most Prized Transformer
    G1 OverLord,followed closely by my MSIB Omegar Supreme
  • Alias(es)
    Liege Evilmus
  • Personal Quotes
    Never go with a hippie to a second location.

Liege Evilmus's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. everyone should give me a dollar

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Heavyassault


      I take its for more display case for you new TFroom?

    3. HnH


      would you settle for a button


    4. Heavyassault


      Ill take a free TF button.lol

  2. Shipping out again late tomorrow so I'll be poking in a bit. I'll be back for real though soon with a dam good interactive topic for all!

    1. Sparkless


      Hopefully sooner rather than later buddy. Speak soon!

  3. at 50+ pages why isn't this topic pinned in the review section?? Also to contribute Cyberverse Powerglige, the wings are on the wrong side of the arms but still worth getting. The missle pods are pointless outside of alt mode. -&- Leader Ironhide is awesome and you should sell your momma's gold tooth to get one.
  4. Said storm has bought me a extra day of TFormers love(even if it als means I gotta deal with my brother) but hey, TF talk & Beer!

  5. 6 to 8 weeks & I'll be back permanetly, counting it down folks!

    1. Sparkless


      Awesome dude. I look forward to you frequenting these boards again!

    2. HnH


      damn that took a long time and it's still

      to long man lol

    3. Breaker
  6. getting ready to head back to the hovel, hope to be back soon & permanently. Take care guys!

  7. hopefully sone I miss this place, shameless plug but go check the endcap....

  8. awaiting reprisal

  9. I got a bunch of them stolen from China befor packaging so they're all bubblewrapped in the corner. I am very happy though cause conserning the NECA Helraiser line I can complete the Pillar of Souls and Leviathan Configuration now!!! What'd you guys get??? OH, BTW just a suggestion. I opened the Microman/Robotman Baron and this figure is awesome!!!!! I got it for $12 or so off BBTS so if your ever just looking for something to fill a buyig void, give it a try.
  10. Merry Christmas, now, what'd you all get me :)

  11. OK, here's the bulk of it. Merry Christmas Guys!!! Not pictured is a WST Ultra Magnus w/ Trailer and 6 hellraiser torment pillars cause I forgot.
  12. Loyal Fans Wait No Longer

    1. TheTfboy


      Gee... I wonder what that means. :P

  13. What you dont like me or something???LOL!!!

    No really I feel weird that I asked to be friends and after that there was a situation of "the dry joke" with the magnus middle finger thingy,

    You are not mad @ me????

    Are you????

  14. In a trade w/ Bigkid24 I got the Bruticus upgrade parts today. May I say, Holy :poop !!!
  15. packing packing packing, looking at a place tomorrow to hopefuly put all this stuff! -beach front no less...

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