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Ender last won the day on July 25 2020

Ender had the most liked content!

About Ender

  • Birthday 03/15/1980

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  • Interests
    Transformers, Movies, Toys, Video Games, Science, Writing, Screenwriting, Comics, Politics.

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  • Country
    United States
  • Favorite Music
    I believe in quality not quantification.
  • Favorite Books
    Writings of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchet, Heinlein, Asimov. Alot of non-fiction lately.
  • Most Prized Transformer
    Hard to say. Probably a Prime.
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  1. I can't even tell if I have all of these... I'm gettin' to old for this ?.
  2. Optimus Primal: Diecast construction... It's a lost art.
  3. They're so cute, but those expressions! Light up eyes of SHAME.
  4. I LOVE this goofy ?. I have a loose Prime like that, as well as a twopack he came in with Megatron. I think he also came in a clear cylinder with some of those pink keshi dudes.
  5. Me: I'm not into repaints. Also Me: Has all of these.
  6. Meh. Like the Lucky draws. Trump Toilet Prime.
  7. With so many third parties making the same remakes, over and over, with barley perceptible differences, at a minimum of 3 digits a pop, I find that Items like these, none of which probably costs more than $20, are the real treasures. I'll take a unique stylized toy over an over accurate, hyper articulated kibblefest, any day.
  8. Dang, I don’t have a peach one.
  9. I'll give it a chance, but... Remember when we were rocking multipart, triple-A Transformers games with no tie ins. That were so cool, toys got made of THEM? That resurrected the Dinobots when Hasbro said they didn't care about them anymore, and Bay said he'd NEVER use them? WTF happened there?
  10. Huh, some of my versions of those are in different colors. It's also interesting they made so many of those, especially of TM Primal, but they never made anything of Optimal Optimus? Was Season 3 not shown on Japanese TV or something?
  11. OMFG. I never knew about that half-assed combining gimmick. I wonder if I have all of those.. .
  12. One of my big Grails right now is this Big Convoy water squirter, and this SD Lio Convoy of unknown origin.
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