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Status Updates posted by Datastream

  1. "- because it was rated ARRRR!"

  2. derp

    1. Datastream


      Oh hey, it's working for me now!

  3. That WFC Prime Batman custom up top is the shit!

  4. Would anyone happen to know where I could still find an ROTF Skystalker? :(

    1. Guest


      BBTS.com or Hasbrotoystore and also ebay

    2. Taaron


      Last time I was on HTS, they didn't have them. If they did, I would of ordered a squadron. :lol

    3. Datastream


      None on BBTS or HTS, and no way I'm going to stoop to eBay.

  5. Would anyone happen to have a Dune Runner figure for sale? Mine's right leg broke.

  6. has to send back his new Brimstone figure to HTS. The shoulder joijnts I mentioned earlier are definitetly glued in there. I can barely move them without straining the plastic!

  7. Either my Brimstone's shoulder ball joints are EXTREMELY tight, or someone was a dumbass and put superglue in the joints. Anyone know how to loosen ball joints?

    1. Datastream


      Challenge: I can't seem to pop them off.

  8. Did you guys know you can add comments to our status updates now? Try it out!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter_Van


      wut r commnts!?

    3. NeloDiavolo


      But can you comment on comments? /mind explosion

    4. Azure_Dragoon


      I call BS. =)

  9. is now considering buying a 5-pack PCC to accompany his new Searchlight figure.

  10. Well, the forums ARE faster, so that's soemthing we should be appreciative about.

  11. Has anyone here dealt with YaHobby.com before? If so, send me a PM.

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