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Status Updates posted by Blitz-Wing

  1. Got some corned beef simmering in the dutch oven... later tonight, it shall be gobbled

  2. On the hunt once again for housing... sigh

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord_Onslaught


      What you could do is save about 5% and put that down


    3. Breaker


      The VA is good, except when they take damn near all of your BAH

    4. Lord_Onslaught


      Haven't had that one happen

  3. Detailed my sister's 2003 Pontiac Aztek today. It is possible to polish a turd!

    1. robo_rob


      I always liked those, kinda neat looking

  4. Mother Nature is trying to huff and puff and blow my house down

    1. TheTfboy


      Well then make sure that you don't need to go the market. :P

  5. Off to Oregon 'til Tuesday

  6. I need a new place already. 4hrs to upload a 10min video is ridiculous

  7. Let the Transformers: Prime reviews begin!

  8. Reality sucks part 2: Back at the salt mines... sigh

  9. Reality sucks part 2: Back at the salt mines... sigh

  10. Reality sucks... I dunno what's worse: Leaving Hawaii or being stuck in coach for 5hrs

    1. hthrun


      Could be worse. I've flown to and from Kenya with my family. That's a 20 hour flight... with kids.

    2. Blitz-Wing


      I say that would call for a medically induced coma right there

  11. Aloha from Hawaii

    1. Taaron


      Howdy from Texas. Enjoying the warm weather and getting lei'd?

    2. Blitz-Wing


      My sister got me lei'd first thing. Why am I admitting this? XD

  12. 3 days until Hawaii

  13. 5 days until Hawaii

  14. 7 days until Hawaii

  15. 9 days until Hawaii

  16. No man is worth $25 Million a year. Not in baseball, not in any profession. Bare none.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PuertoRiCON


      Yeah, like everyone is going to stop going as "protest" all at the same time......


      With the amount Baseball owners rake in, if they can afford to pay the man that much, screw it, I'm all for it...then again, I am a Yankee fan.

    3. Lord_Onslaught


      Your just jealous

    4. hthrun


      It's supply and demand. As long as there are people willing to pay those prices, they'll be able to keep giving those big salaries. I personally prefer watching sports on TV...

  17. Taking a break from the TF world for a couple of months. Happy Holidays, guys

    1. Sparkless


      That's cool. I kind of have got burned out on Tfs too for now. But no oubt the obsession will come back around full swing soon enough


  18. I was looking forward to this trip to Hawaii in February until I saw hotel rates... eeeeeeek!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BaCon


      JMO, Hawaii is overrated. Its expensive, small and hot. I like the Cali coast better.

    3. Breaker


      I was born there. Havent been there since I was 2 tho :(

    4. Blitz-Wing


      My sister is stationed there, going with my mom. Mom thought she could get a good hotel rate. She found out otherwise :(

  19. Wonders how much some of these video reviewers pay for figures just to say they were first to review it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BaCon


      At least 3-10X the price.

    3. hthrun


      I don't see how it's worth it...

    4. HnH


      i did that in the past and usually it did cost me more then normal retail..like a $50 plus


  20. Sorry about the recent rash of SPAM, folks. Removing it as I find it.

    1. Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      I'll 'ave 'is Spam, I love it!

    2. Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      Hip-Hoptimus Rime

      I'll 'ave 'is Spam, I love it!

    3. Markusius


      was wondering what those 'Recent Topics' were about

  21. Galaxy S II: Sweet. Having both roommates move out on me: Not so sweet

  22. Bad News: My Evo 4G decided to croak :-( Good News: I was approved for a Galaxy S II :-D

  23. OK, I'm getting back to reviews... I swear!

    1. JT-Prime


      what's to review though bro? hardly anything new out there

    2. Superior Grilled Cheese

      Superior Grilled Cheese

      ^repaints. repaints everywhere

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