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Everything posted by Schlecki02

  1. Here's to an awesome member !!! Thanks for the reliable,quick and perfectly bubblewrapped international shipping :D

  2. Hey Anthony - here you go, 5 Stars, can't see a good man negged down by some internet-tough-guy.

  3. Now that's a nice Sixshot =) Got a link to that bash ?
  4. your OcTankor has made it to the front page with his comb of doom =D *WOOOO*

  5. WOOOO ... finally converted to the church of OcTankorism ^^

  6. In case of those yamato toys ... you're completely right !!! That is why I need money ;) Only have one 1/48 VF-1A so far ...
  7. ... damn I need money °_O If every collector was cheap and unwilling to pay more than some bucks for whatever item ... then the prices would be accordingly and I could buy more stuff ... thank you un-cheap collectors =P
  8. How much was that Ivanov and where did you get it ? Thos Macross mechas are so sweeet !!!!
  9. Well I must agree ... and it's no action pose either
  10. I knew it , that is Optiwuss on those pictures ... see he just joined them: ... Prime himself doesn't take it quite well :tfsad
  11. AHHHHHHHRG :tfwtf No way, that must be his cousin Optiwuss :tftongue
  12. Brawl sure gets the fembots ;) Poor prime isn't even equipped at all...
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