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Status Updates posted by Sparkless

  1. All hail FP Bruticus! It´s close enough to be an MP IMO

  2. My FP Bruticus parts arrived today. Only thing is I couldn´t get to the post office...

  3. Crossfire figures sent out in mail yesterday from robotkingdom! WOOT!

  4. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

  5. Warbot Defender: if you do not have this figure yet, you are missing out big time!

    1. TheTfboy


      $90 is too much. Nice figure, but I'll look on ebay or somewhere... cheap(er).

  6. Could do with some more good days like today

  7. Dun, dun DUNNNNNNNNNN!

  8. Has some good figures coming my way this August!!! Woot!!!

  9. 3 days to myself and me alone... Time to break out the G1 DVD's methinks. Seasons 1 & 2, Movie, the seasons 3 & 4. Gonna be SHAWEET!!!

  10. When my BBTS order gets in, I'll only need one more seeker figure. Roll on DIRGE!

  11. Fed up of this broken foot damnit!!!

  12. Take it Blitzy got a good haul at Botcon then? :P

  13. I go onto livechat almost everyday if you wanna talk on there anytime buddy

  14. Hey dude it's still showing you on my friend's list.

    How's things going anyways buddy?

  15. Hey Rob, haven't seen you in a while. Things ok mate?

  16. Hey Rob, when are ya gonna get those Ravage pics up?!?!?!

  17. Happy Birthday buddy! HOpe you have a good one!

  18. Happy Birthday VTS!

  19. Yeah, You should review him with pics.

  20. glad you liked your stuff buddy! hope to do business with you again!

  21. Hey andy how's things?

  22. Hey dude, should have your ravage finished soon!

  23. LOL!!! You called me Schlecki!!! Go look on my profile

  24. Congratulations buddy!!!

  25. You need to get a fansproject superion appendage set now. Mine's on it's way!

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