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Status Updates posted by Sparkless

  1. HOpe my postman's gonna be quick with my packages over the next cuple of weeks. Got some cool stuff coming my way!

  2. I'm doing OK. How far along is your wife with her pregnancy now?

  3. Long time no speak dude. How are things?

  4. My Protector armour should be here tomorrow. OH YES!

  5. Still up at 6am yet again!

    1. TheTfboy


      What's the big deal? I get up at 5:30 for school. :D

    2. Sparkless


      I had been awake for 47 hours at time of posting status..... Insomnia sux


  6. I want to get a FP G3 trailer now...

  7. Protector armor ORDERED.... PLUS 2x Sidearms! Oh yes!!!

  8. I so wish I could afford the protector armor Damnit!

    1. Markusius


      I wish you could afford one too.

    2. TheTfboy


      Same here. I'll need so sell some of my MISB stuff to get him.

  9. I have such a bad chest infection I can TASTE IT


  11. Finally resting in the hotel room. 7 hours drive to get here

  12. Goint to be working in Portugal for a few days from tomorrow. Wonder if anywhere will have some rare Tfs, or at least ones I still need?

  13. is going to portugal next week for four days on business

  14. Finally completeing my sekker collection in classics style! WOOP!

  15. Who cares, as long as he enjoyed owning those 4 figures?

    1. Ardenrobo


      enjoying them has nothing to do with it. The order isn't : single, couple, few, collection... That's a handful and you know it.

    2. Sparkless


      He "collected" 4 figures though :P So that is a collection! lol

  16. takara 2010 Unicron has been SHIPPED! woohoo!

  17. Hurting from head to toe right now... Not beena good day

  18. guess it´s dentist time soon. One of my molars pretty much exploded today. Broke into 4 pieces

  19. Sorry to hear that Breaker...

  20. OH YEAH! protector plus 2x Sidearm figures preordered! Can´t wait till December!

  21. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one

  22. If you are listening fansproject. STOP teasing us with your sythe armour. WE WANT PROTECTOR ALREADY!!!

  23. Yeah, shut it AP :P LOL!

  24. Can ANYONE ehlp me get an animated Arcee and Hotrod. I have lots for trade. C´mon HELP ME OUT GUYS!

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