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Status Updates posted by Sparkless

  1. I wants my Structor and Dr. Crank now please!

  2. Part 2 of Hercules arrived today. man these guys are awesome!

    1. Sparkless


      And now parts 3 and 4 ordered! WOOT!

    2. puma


      i finally got all of mine in last week. Super happy with them. Hercules is awesome


    3. Sparkless


      Nice! I can't wait to get the final two rodered up, so I can finally have Devastator in my clsics collection

  3. Shipping notice in from tfsource. WOOT!

  4. I WILL have a Devastator in my classics collection!!!

  5. Welcome to the boards. hope you like it here

  6. I sooooo, wanna make a Frenzy Rumble style devastator! Finding it hard to get pieces for it at a good price though Le sigh

  7. what happened to the "today's active topics" section??? It's gone!

    1. TheTfboy


      What do ya mean? Just look at the bottom of the "fourms" tab for "Today's active content" and you should find what your looking for there. ;)

  8. Off to England for 7 days tomorrow. here's hoping I can find some decent Tfs whilst there

  9. Anyone need an MP Rodimus?

    1. JT-Prime


      did you get one? i still have to ship yours out.

    2. Sparkless


      Yeah, still wanna second for customising

    3. StarLurker


      I've got an extra one too. <_<

  10. Seen 10 (yes, TEN) MP Rodimus figures today... Didn't even have the money for one FML

  11. Thanks for the birthday wishes Jason! Didnt overdo on the cake but was a messy night. lol

  12. Why is it karma's out to get me all the time at the moment???

    1. StarLurker


      Sorry about that, I failed to kill the bastard when he hung over my shoulder the past couple years.


    1. Heavyassault


      Does this mean you finally got 1?


    2. Sparkless


      Yup. Arrived in the post with a few other Gens&RTS figures today :D


    3. JT-Prime
  14. Had to have my dog put to sleep on friday night... man life really sucks at the moment

    1. Breaker


      Thats terrible. I just got done burying one...

    2. Markusius


      sorry to hear that Sparkless.

    3. Markusius


      sorry to hear that Sparkless.

  15. Happy birthday buddy Send me a message or something and let me know you're still about OK

  16. I wish my latest haul would arrive soon

  17. ZOMG, Ryan Dunn has died..... that sux

  18. Wow, a day without blood tests or any poking and prodding. What bliss

  19. Had my first of many iron transfusions today. Anaemia sux

  20. Fed up of being down all the time...

    1. Optics


      Everything is gonna be alright

    2. Sparkless


      Thanks for the concern dude. I-m in and out of hospital a lot at the moment. Was rushed into emergencies yesterday...


  21. Wow, DOTM figs have even hit Spain

  22. On a major downer right now.....

  23. ill again. So sick and tired of being sick and tired

  24. SErious about this project. Help me out guys

    1. TheTfboy


      Energon Barricade I have, but I'd need to FIND him first ;)

    2. Sparkless
    3. TheTfboy


      Already done. ;)

  25. Reissue G1 Rodimus Prime was in today. Nostalgia overlaod!!!

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